Show Your Local Sports Day Some Support with Printed Giveaways

As we quickly head into Summer, schools and offices are starting to think about organising 'Sports Days', with that comes printed giveaways

Sports days are events staged by schools and offices across the World, during which participants take part in competitive sporting activities, usually with the aim of winning trophies or prizes. These are generally held at the beginning of Summer when the weather is at its warmest. However, in countries where the weather is too hot at the beginning of Summer, the activities are held either at the beginning of Autumn or in Spring. 

There have been a number of controversies surrounding sports days over the last few years, many of which are publicised by the media. Some schools have abolished sports days as they believe they are too competitive and can damage self-esteem. This view has been described by many as 'political correctness' gone mad. They believe it's important to build up children's confidence through the use of 'winning' and 'losing'.

How can you use sports day to your advantage, to spread brand awareness to new customers?  If you are a local business, then you should be supporting your local schools. This is because it is very likely that pupils from the local schools will be employees of the business in the future. By supporting local schools and your local community, you are ensuring that your business's name is being spread amongst the children and parents. You are also showing your support for the local community. 

One of the best ways to support your local school is to sponsor the event. This could be by providing awards for the children to win, or by giving the school money for supplies in return for a board at the event. Either way, you will be seen in a positive light. 

There is a lot of debate over whether every child should win a prize on sports day. Some believe it is bad for their self-confidence to not win, whilst others believe that younger children, in particular, should be rewarded for their efforts. If you are sponsoring the event, why not invest in some awards for the winners, medals for runners up and sweets for the other participants?  This means you are rewarding each child for taking part, but only the winners are getting something tangible.

Sports day is one of the highlights of the school's calendar for many, why not use printed giveaways to spread your brand awareness?

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