This year Small Business Saturday is on the 1st December so now is the time to choose the best promotional items with your logo in time for the event. All kinds of small businesses benefit from this event - whether you are a family business, local shop, online business, wholesaler, business service or small manufacturer.
What promotional items do you choose? Well you have to ask yourself a few questions first:
What is my budget?
Probably the biggest influence on your choice of promotional item. If there is a way to get some info on how many people you could expect in your area from the organisers or previous participants, then that is a good place to start. Also, perhaps you can split your giveaways budget over a few products so you have a range of promotional items: luxury level, mid level and budget level to cover all eventualities.
What is my target audience?
Are you aiming to attract your regulars in and reward them for their support over the years or are you targeting fresh, new customers? Again, this is where a split of promotional items can be beneficial with more exclusive giveaways for loyal, repeat business and sale items or budget giveaways for first-time visitors.
How do you want to be remembered?
We have promotional items that cover the whole range from luxury to weird to funny to practical. Luxury and practical lend themselves to a more long-term use and therefore your brand giveaway has more longevity. Whereas weird and funny lend themselves to appealing to the emotional element of a customer's personality and make your brand more memorable long after the item has perhaps run it's course.
It's all food for thought but don't dwell on it too long as you don't want to be rushed into picking ideal promotional items with your logo or settling just for what you can get in time. Get yourself organised!