Promotional Items Your Rivals Wouldn't Have Thought Of

Some businesses (including Total Merchandise) insist on being what's called 'first to market' with new and innovative products and ideas. Put simply, we like to think up ideas and introduce them before anybody else. For us, it shows our clients that we are constantly thinking about the 'next big thing' and of course, it means our clients can also be first to market with forms of promotional merchandise that other suppliers haven't even heard of, let alone considered yet!

Items this year have included 'promotional bananas'. Seriously. Have you seen those anywhere else? A company logo can be put onto a fresh banana skin. Tell us that's not cool!

Whatever the product you choose, it's a case of making the biggest impact as possible. That doesn't mean necessarily that big bucks = big impact. In fact, sometimes the simplest items are the best. The promotional items that work the best are items that are reactive to something that has happened in current affairs...i.e. a promotional campaign that quite obviously couldn't have been pre-conceived. i.e. planning for Chistmas wouldn't be in scope, but maybe having some promotional shovels of winter hats ready for the moment the snows hit the UK again could.

As always, we have a VERY talented crew of telesales girls who can help with any advice of whta's new and what's cool at the moment. Be first to market in your industry and your clients will tghink of you as a leader, not a follower within your industry...

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Total Merchandise | Editoral Team

Our editorial team is drawn from a pool of experienced promotional merchandise product team members, account managers, marketers and other contributors. With such a wide range of skills and experience, they write about many aspects of promotional merchandise, wider marketing and business matters, as well as company news updates.

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