When looking at supplying your company with promotional merchandise, you need to think about what will last with your customers, so things like promotional pens are a good idea to stock.
The Benefits Of Using Printed Pens To Promote Your Brand
1. Everyone Will Need A Pen At Some Point
Even in the world today, when you can easily make a note on a phone or electronic storage device, the need for a pen still arises on a fairly regular basis, whether it be filling in a form at the bank or simple office work. At one point or another, you may find that you can't find a pen anywhere. Then there are some people that take pens where ever they go, so why not make it a promotional pen?
Super Hit Ballpen
2. They're Low Cost
Many companies have a high budget for investing in promotional merchandise and can, therefore, invest in a range of items. For the smaller companies, there is a much lower budget which then brings up the question of what can they get that will get the advertising done in an effective way? There is also the fact that when you invest in something you want it to be good quality, so your promotional pens or mugs, etc., would have to be chosen carefully since you don't want the item breaking on the customers.
Curvy Ballpens
3. They're Portable
When it comes to promoting your business and its at a point where it's very small or basic, promotional pens are a good place to start out with when you're looking at what merchandise to purchase. They are used regularly and people tend to carry them around so while its a more subtle form of advertising than say, promotional bags, it gets the company name out there as pens tend to be passed from person to person.
Lowton Torch Stylus Ballpens
4. They Will Be Seen
Promotional pens and bags are considered the most visible form of promotional merchandising, so when starting out you can start with pens and then branch out later on when your company is on a higher profit margin and can, therefore, afford more promotional merchandise. Not only can using pens to help with your companies image but to get people to take more notice of the pens but a wacky design can make them stand out in a way other pens may not.
Supersaver Photo Ballpens
So if you're looking to stock up on our promotional merchandising, don't underestimate the value promotional pens for your advertising campaign and don't miss out on the wide range of cheap personalised pens we have on our website. Be sure to fill out the form to receive a rapid quote or give us a quote!
Main image from Pexels.com