Wooden USB Flashdrives

Product Code: 5965718

Delivered as early as 17th July

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Wooden USB Flashdrives
These branded USB sticks are made from wood, offering something a little bit different for your memory stick giveaway.
Choose from light wood or dark wood for a promotional wooden USB that matches your corporate identity to a tee!

Wooden USB Flashdrives


Product Code: 5965718

Delivered as early as 17th July

Product colour(s) / material(s)

Branding options

This is a price on application product. Once you’ve submitted your quote request, we will find the most up-to-date pricing to get you the best possible deal.

Product Details

Product Size
60 x 19 x 10mm
Print Area
35 x 14mm
Print Options

About this Product

Our Wooden USB flash drives make a great alternative to 'traditional' USBs and memory sticks. 

Data uploading is available on all USB flash drives; subject to the USB drive and size of data this may be free of charge, please enquire at the time of quotation.

Price is on application only: please contact the team for costing as charges for USB memory changes every 24 hours.

Please note: Memory sizes available on most models include 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, and 16 GB plus up to 32 GB and 64 GB on some models.

Key Features:

  • Eco-friendly
  • Made from wood
  • A range of memory sizes are available
  • Engraved your logo on the front of the USB
  • Data uploading is available on all USB flash drives

Other Important Information:

  • Supplied in recyclable packaging
  • Price is on application only: please contact the Total Merchandise team for costing as charges for USB memory changes every 24 hours.

Product managed by

Katie Reed | Product Manager & Head of Artwork

With 13 years of experience in the promotional merchandise industry, Katie speaks with true authority about all matters related to promotional products. Her attention to detail and creative flair ensure that product details, prices, imagery and descriptions are accurate and answer all our customers' questions. Her articles and other product-related content have become truly trusted sources of information and inspiration for anyone deciding on their next promotional product order. In another life, Katie would have been a star Quidditch player.

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