How Promotional Products Can Help You Work Better In 2021

How Promotional Products Can Help You Work Better In 2021

With the end of 2020 insight - and boy oh boy, what a crazy ride it's been! - now's the perfect time for a spot of reflection on the year that (almost) lies be

The TM Edit: Mailable Merch for First-Class Brand Awareness

The TM Edit: Mailable Merch for First-Class Brand Awareness

Are you looking for a way to stay connected with your clients - and something a bit more meaningful than an email or a Zoom call - while you can't meet face-to-fac

We Won! Total Merchandise Wins Distributor Of The Year 2020

We Won! Total Merchandise Wins Distributor Of The Year 2020

We've got some big news, people - some huge news, in fact. We've won an award! The Total Merchandise team are absolutely delighted to have bee

Promotional Products To Tap Into Your Customers' 2021 Goals

Promotional Products To Tap Into Your Customers' 2021 Goals

It's common knowledge that the end of a year and the start of a new one creates a certain boost of positivity and motivation among people, from which New Year's resoluti

The TM Edit: Our Hottest Cyber Monday Offers

The TM Edit: Our Hottest Cyber Monday Offers

With the build-up to the big event that is Black Friday it can be easy to forget about Cyber Monday, but not here at Total Merchandise, we've got the hottest Cyber Monday of

TM Edit: Best Promotional Merchandise Offers For Black Friday 2020

TM Edit: Best Promotional Merchandise Offers For Black Friday 2020

Black Friday is fast-approaching - and with the annual shopping extravaganza comes a slew of amazing offers, discounts and bargains to make the most of. Of course, for c

There's Still Time: Christmas Gifts Ready To Order Today

There's Still Time: Christmas Gifts Ready To Order Today

The countdown to Christmas has well and truly begun at Total Merchandise HQ. Not only are we ticking down to December 25th but we've also sourced the latest and greates

How Merch Can Take Your Small Business To The Next Level

How Merch Can Take Your Small Business To The Next Level

With Small Business Saturday taking place in just a couple of weeks (on 5 December 2020, to be precise), there's no better time to bring you insights and ideas for help

4 Simple Ways Your Business Can Be Kinder This Winter

4 Simple Ways Your Business Can Be Kinder This Winter

Today, Friday 13th November 2020, is officially World Kindness Day. It's also Kindness Day UK. In short, there's a lot of good feeling going round today, with

The Promotional Christmas Gifts Your Customers & Staff Really Want

The Promotional Christmas Gifts Your Customers & Staff Really Want

Christmas is just around the corner, in fact, it's only 50 days away - yes, fifty! It's a given that Christmas 2020 is going to be slightly different to what we all know

The Best Promotional Products To Help Tackle Stress This Winter

The Best Promotional Products To Help Tackle Stress This Winter

The irony isn't lost on us: the fact that International Stress Week falls on the same week that England is due to edge back into a nationwide lockdown and 

Happy 50th Birthday To The BiC Four Colour Pen

Happy 50th Birthday To The BiC Four Colour Pen

Let's face it: we've all wanted one of BiC's iconic Four Colour Ballpoints at one point or another during our lives. The pen - most commonly seen in