Festivals Are A Goldmine for Promoting Your Brand Through Merchandise

Festivals Are A Goldmine for Promoting Your Brand Through Merchandise

There are fewer occasions better suited for handing out personalised giveaways than when you have hundreds or thousands of revelling festival goers at your disposal. Fes

How to Market Your Promotional Bags to Their Highest Potential

How to Market Your Promotional Bags to Their Highest Potential

Promotional bags are an ideal way of making your brand more visible as they travel with their owner wherever they go; whether it’s within the local town or out of the coun

Popular Branded Gifts for Your Summer Campaigns

Popular Branded Gifts for Your Summer Campaigns

In this day and age of cut-throat competition, every opportunity to get the word out about your business should be taken with both hands; this includes those branded gifts given

Branded Merchandise for Health Conscious Audience

Branded Merchandise for Health Conscious Audience

Branded merchandise presents a business enterprise with an unobtrusive way of spreading the word about their brand. And unlike adverts posted in the media, they

Promotional Pens vs Corporate Keyboards: Which One Wins?

Promotional Pens vs Corporate Keyboards: Which One Wins?

Do you prefer writing with a promotional pen or typing on a keyboard? The Pen Vs The Keyboard - Which One Wins? Many would say typing on a keyboard nowadays as

Corporate Gifts for green fingered customers

Corporate Gifts for green fingered customers

20 years ago, corporate gifts for gardeners was always a toughie. Firstly, there was only a fraction of promotional merchandise available then compared to now,

April Fools Day and  The Art of Marketing

April Fools Day and The Art of Marketing

Promotional Travel Mugs are a great way to get people to notice your brand name or logo over the summer months. April fools, as many of you may know is on the 1st April, so watc

The big difference between Winter and Summer Promotional Merchandise

The big difference between Winter and Summer Promotional Merchandise

You may have noticed that many companies had out different promotional merchandise each season. It makes sense really, as if you think about it who wants to receive promotional

Printed Wristbands for Adding Extra Security

Printed Wristbands for Adding Extra Security

You are probably wondering why printed merchandise needs added security... well if you've ever queued up for an hour or so to get into a club you'll know exactly what we

Corporate Gifts for Golfers

Corporate Gifts for Golfers

They say business is done on the Golf Course. Can anyone concur with that? We're not so sure but we do know that plenty of our clients use Golf as a means of sending their c

Promotional Merchandise and funky eco friendly office items

Promotional Merchandise and funky eco friendly office items

It's amazing how the world has changed in the 8 years or so that we started trading here at Total Merchandise. Wars have started and finished. Countries born. But perhaps th

Promotional Mugs That Take Your Marketing to The Next Level

Promotional Mugs That Take Your Marketing to The Next Level

Mugs aren't just for drinking out of these days! They are commonly used as a key marketing tool. If you're going to invest in promotional mugs for your marketing