5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Business

Winter is almost a season of the past, and whilst the blistering winds continue on, we cannot miss that the sun is doing its best to warm us back up and the flowers are so close to popping up through the grass. This can only mean one thing: Spring is coming! The Spring season tends to call for one big project in personal and business lives alike: A Spring clean! You may be thinking about de-cluttering your homes, but don’t forget that your business might benefit from a little de-clutter, too. We’ve put together a list of 5 things we think you could Spring clean your business; it’s time to go back to the basics of your business, clear out any cobwebs and get your sales moving faster than ever.

1) Check Your Links

It’s very important that you can spot errors before your customers do! Check that, through shifts in page structures, that none of your links are sending people to page-not-found messages on your website. Don’t only check your website, the links you provide in your emails should be checked too. It doesn’t take long, and it really does help to keep up your levels of professionalism.

2) Utilise Analytics

If you haven’t heard of Google Analytics, have you been living under a rock? Spring is the perfect time to expand your use of analytics packages so that you can see how many people are coming on to your site, where they go from the landing page, and where they tend to funnel off. Not only this, you can see key demographics and other valuable pieces of data that would be very useful to your business.

3) Run A Satisfaction Survey For Your Customers

The truth is that people are less likely to tell you what is wrong than to just disappear and never visit your page again. However, if you give your customers the chance to provide their valuable feedback, it will make it a lot easier to see if you’re missing any key points and you may be able to strengthen operations before you lose any customers. Let your customers know how important they are and ensure they understand how valuable their feedback is to you.

4)  Check Out Your Competitors

It’s always a good idea in your annual business Spring Clean to check out how your products and services compare to those of your competitors. Ensure you’re keeping up with the latest technology and always have an up-to-date website to ensure that your business doesn’t fall behind.

5) Sharpen Your Tools

We don’t mean the tools in your toolbox, we mean the skills of your employees! Take the chance to teach your employees new skills or sharpen the ones they already have to improve work efficiency that will last through Summer, Autumn, Winter, and through to next Spring!

You don’t have to do all of these things, but perhaps select a couple to work on that could make the biggest difference to your business. 

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