The Best Affordable Printed Mouse Mats for the Budget Conscious

There are a myriad reasons you should use printed mouse mats for your publicity drive, perhaps the most salient being that they are very affordable. And not only that, they are extremely versatile in that; firstly, they come in an almost limitless range of colours, designs, and shapes. Secondly, they can be used to sell your brand in the office environment, in homes and anywhere else computers are used. And then there is their staying power. Unlike those sweets and chocolates that you give away at Christmas and other functions, printed mouse mats will remain on the computer owner’s desk for as long as they are in one piece or the owners have not tired of them. That gives you years, or at the very least months, to plant your brand name firmly in the minds of prospective clients.

There is such a wide range of mouse mats in the market today that there is really no excuse for you not being able to get what you want at an affordable price. Designs range from the basic to the outrageous and colours are limitless. In fact, you can get a photo image on your mouse pads if you so wish. And while the conventional mat shape is rectangular, yours can be customised into any conceivable shape. What you will eventually settle on, will to a large extent be determined by the size of your budget. If your finance department has given you a bigger purse to play around with, why not go for something that really grabs the attention? Why not look for the aqua mouse mats that have real liquid swirling within them underneath a translucent cover.

I thought this was about affordable printed mouse mats, you may say. Well, it is. We know that you are probably looking for something not too flashy, that you can slot in along with items your clients have purchased as you hand them over for delivery. Or something light and basic that you can hand out from your stall in a trade show to as many people as visit it. The important thing, you insist, is that your brand is prominently displayed on the mouse pad so that it is seen and remembered. And we agree. That is why we suggest you go for a basic foam or PVC pad with none of the frills earlier mentioned. Just make sure your logo and brand are creatively printed on the mouse pad. Your affordable printed mouse mats might still catch the eye, but for another reason; that they are eco-friendly. When the beneficiaries of your mouse pad giveaways notice that they are made from 70 - 85% recycled UK waste material, they will perceive you as an enterprise with a cause and want to be associated with you.

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