Best Promotional Products to Brighten Up Any Home Office

If you oversee a team of remote or hybrid workers and want to help your team brighten up their desks, you're in luck. 

Here at Total Merchandise, we're delighted to have a wide range of promotional products that guarantee to make any desk around the UK look that bit neater and more on-brand. And what's not to love about that?


Whether you want to order for your remote-working colleagues or for customers who you know operate from their homes, we've got the perfect products to keep your brand in mind at all times, from promotional coasters to desktop plants. Read on for our simple tips for brightening up any desk - is #DeskGoals a 'thing'? It will be after you've read this...

1. Add A Splash Of Colour With Promotional Products

Firstly: chances are your desk is predominately one of two colours: black and white. As stylish as they might be from a sartorial POV, they're not exactly the most exciting colours when it comes to styling a work-space. that's just not very exciting! To combat this, consider ways your brand could help add some colour to the workspaces of colleagues and customers alike.

According to colour theorists, colour can promote a positive vibe, improve corporate culture and help establish an environment where employees will succeed. But, which colours should work best for this?

Different colours promote different emotions, so it's important to choose the right colour for you. Are you looking for a productivity boost? Then blue might be the colour for you. Blue is a soothing colour, helping calm the mind and aid concentration, it also enhances wakefulness and supports clear communication. It's no wonder blue is a popular choice in office spaces!

Some people might struggle to get their creative juices flowing when working remotely. If yours is a creative industry, and you need your team to be thinking up new ideas, choose promotional products in yellow. Yellow is energising, radiates positivity and helps lift confidence levels. Alternatively, if your colleagues are reporting feeling stressed since working from home then look to introduce some aspects of green to your desk. As green is a harmonising colour, it can help to create a sense of calm and reassurance.

2. Bring The Outdoors In With Desktop Plants

Plants are one of the easiest ways to liven up a bare workspace, giving the option to turn desks into a mini oasis! In many modern offices, you can expect to see a few common design features on display: open floor plans, bright colours, blooming greenery and maybe even an impressive selection of snacks! Gone are the days of dull grey walls and being stuck in a small cubicle - so why should a home office be any different?

Office plants are more than just a trend, with many studies over the last few years exploring and proving the benefits of having plants in your workspace. A study conducted in 2014 by researchers in the UK as well as Australia and the Netherlands examined three office environments over several months. They found that having greenery significantly increases workplace satisfaction in employees, heightened concentration and improved the perceived air quality. They also found that staff were much more productive - how's that for a great ROI?

Did you know that indoor plants act as stress relievers? Natural environments give us a sense of serenity, creating the feeling of being away from urban life. They can help make us feel more relaxed and when added to a corporate environment, can help reduce tension.

3. Up The Personalisation With Soothing Promotional Items

Although your customers might have set-up shop at home, they still might feel their workspace is lacking comfort and personalisation. Adding photos, pinning up drawings by the kids or even lighting a candle are all great ways to help add an extra touch of home comfort.

Many studies have found that adding a personal touch to your desk can improve concentration, stress levels and maintain a sense of control over your own working environment. 

Okay. Feeling inspired? Now that we've looked at the ways your customers and colleagues can brighten up their desks, let's have a run-through of the promotional products that might help make it a reality!

Bamboo Wireless Charging Desk Organisers

If you're working from home, it's all too easy for your desk or workspace to become cluttered and disorganised - which in turn will have an effect on concentration, stress and productivity levels.

These Bamboo Wireless Charging Desk Organisers are a blessing for any home-worker. This desk organiser - which is engraved with your company's branding - allows the user to keep their space tidy, as well as charging their smartphone without the fuss of wires!

Lunem Bluetooth Speakers

Inside each of these modern promotional speakers is an LED light and with the body specially designed for laser printing. Once they're turned on, your company logo will be elegantly illuminated - offering a sweet reminder of your business to staff and clients alike. 

Office radio wars aside, did you know that listening to music is a great way to keep focused on the task at hand?

Sliding Webcam Covers

These printed webcam covers are brilliant for keeping your branding on prime display, all the while offering your customers and colleagues privacy when their webcam is not in use.

Available in black or white and personalised with your design in up to eye-catching full colour, Total Merchandise can also Pantone-match the entire sliding webcam cover to your company colours for a completely bespoke finish.

Bit On The Side Coasters

Chances are that remote working will mean a lot of tea, coffee and maybe even the odd biscuit or two... 

These two-in-one coasters are perfect for any elevenses lovers. Choose from a range of over 10 bright colours with these branded coasters, which offer space for your customers' mug, whilst the extra section can be used to hold delicious snacks! 

Desktop USB Fans

Your customers are guaranteed to win the air-con battles with these promotional desktop fans! (Admittedly, it's quite an easy victory when they're WFH - but hey. Little victories.)

Available in a range of bright colours and personalised with your company logo, they're a great way to keep your brand strong, whatever the weather. 

Our range of working from home essentials are sure to brighten up any home office, all the while keep you branding on prime display! Need help or advice? Contact our friendly and experienced Sales team today. Main image via Pexels.

Written by

Alexandra Horridge | Digital Marketing Executive

With five years of experience across both agency and client-side digital marketing, Ally brings a wide range of expertise to the TM team. Ally possesses the technical and creative abilities to create engaging promotional merchandise content and paid media campaigns. A keen photographer, Ally also takes many of the shots you'll see in our articles and social posts. Outside of work, she assists at a local smallholding and has developed a love for all animals, including her African Grey Parrot - Maxwell.

Connect with Alexandra Horridge on LinkedIn Connect with Alexandra Horridge on LinkedIn

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