Branded Giveaways Ideas for the UK's National Weeks

It seems there's a National Week for everything at the moment and this week is no exception, with National Curry Week finishing on the 13th October 2013. With so many National Weeks, your business has a lot you can get involved with so it's time to pick your National Week and choose your branded giveaways.

National Curry Week brings together Indian restaurants, caterers and curry lovers across the UK to show their appreciation for one of the UK's favourite cuisines. Of course, support isn't just shown through cooking curry but also through taster days, raffles and various courses. The purpose of the event?  To help to combat poverty in the Southern Asian region. 

Curry will include combinations of different spices and herbs and are often named after the region they are created within. The first curry is believed to have originated in the 7th Century by Buddhist Monks, it then travelled South down to the Philippines and India. Interestingly, the notion of curry was described by the British during their rule in India. This is believed to have come from the Portuguese word 'Karil'. 

The British started to truly enjoy curry during the sixteenth century when the Dutch had the monopoly of the spice market. Having the monopoly of the market meant they were able to hike up the price, although a small number of merchants were allowed to purchase it at a cheaper price. Whilst curry existed in Britain, there was no 'curry house' like there is today, with curry being cooked in the home by select groups of people. 

The first 'curry house' in the UK was opened in the nineteenth century by a gentleman who was born in Eastern India. The curry house was opened in London, famed for its unusual tastes and became a popular London attraction. Over the following years, the rise of the curry house took a gradual and steady pace although it stopped at the beginning of the first World War when food had to be rationed. 

The industry picked up again towards the end of the Second World War and has gone from strength to strength ever since. There are hundreds, if not thousands of curry houses in the UK which means if you are the owner of a curry house you need to make sure it stands out from the others. 

Choose branded giveaways that relate to your restaurants, such as kitchen appliances, water bottles and similar. If you are struggling for ideas, have a look at our website.

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