12 Ways To Think Pink For Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2020

October is a month that's known for many things. The start of autumn, the return of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, the revival of all the knitwear that's sat dormant in our wardrobes over the summer months...

Far more importantly than all of that, of course, October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, organised by the UK charity, Breast Cancer Now.


Breast Cancer Awareness Month has the goal of showing support to the people affected by breast cancer, with the overall goal of raising money for research, generating awareness of symptoms and reminding people affected by the illness that they're not alone. All in all, it's safe to say that it's a fantastic cause to support, whether from an individual or business perspective.

Why Should My Business Consider Getting Involved In Fundraising?

Statistics show that over 55,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer across the UK every year, with one in seven women developing the disease in her lifetime.

The most common cancer in women, it's an illness that will affect many of our lives, whether directly or through someone we love. As such, chances are that members of your team will have felt the impact of the disease, with Breast Cancer Now and other organisations across the country all working tirelessly to provide support, advice and more to people that are fighting it. 

The impact of Coronavirus has wreaked havoc with many charitable organisations and as such, lending your support to these incredible causes - if you are able to - is more important than ever before.

awareness ideas for breast cancer awareness month

'Wear It Pink' To Show Your Support For Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Whilst traditional fundraising ideas for charities, such as coffee mornings and bake sales, might be harder to organise due to the impact of COVID-19 and social distancing, there are still other ways your business can show its support and get involved in fundraising.

best pink promotional products

Friday 23 October 2020 is actually the official Wear It Pink Day: Breast Cancer Now's flagship event for fundraising. You can find out more by requesting a free fundraising pack, which will give you all the information you need as well as ideas for fundraising. 

(You can even access a free pink glitter background for use on video calls - and if that isn't incentive enough to get involved, we don't know what is.)

Anyway: whether your team are based in the office, on the shop floor or are remotely working from home, they can all get involved in the 'think pink' action. Asking your colleagues to dress in pink - be it top-to-toe or perhaps a more subtle nod - is a safe way to have a bit of fun, generate some sponsorship and create vital awareness.

Explore our range of promotional clothing and use our colour filter to discover the items that can be ordered in pink.

Think Pink With Ideas For Your Own Fundraising Activity

If you sell products and are keen to generate funds for Breast Cancer Now, you could always look at launching a product (in pink, naturally) that will allow you to donate proceeds to the charity.

Whether you choose promotional bags, drinkware, branded stationery or even edible treats (such as our branded bars of chocolate), we've got a wide range of items available that your customers could purchase from you in-store or online. And don't forget to check out our huge range of discounts as well; we've got massive savings to be had on products ranging from promotional notebooks to branded mugs, just for you.

promotional bags in pink

Whether you choose to have them branded with your standard logo or a specially designed fundraising logo, promotional products printed with some sort of charitable messaging offer a great reminder to your customers that they've taken part in something wonderful. It could even encourage them to take part in subsequent fundraising events in the future, too!

It's also a great way to assert your business as one that genuinely cares, reiterating your Corporate Social Responsibility stance and demonstrating that yours is an organisation that gives back. Of course, the needs of organisations such as Breast Cancer Now aren't limited by the calendar; they need support all-year round. So whether you opt to do it now or in the new year, it's certainly something to consider. 

Throw A Virtual Fundraiser Event With Colleagues Or Communities

From online quizzes to virtual DJ sessions, there are all sorts of fundraising events your business could host online if it really wants to mark the occasion with a bang.

Something as simple as setting up a donation page and hosting a quiz night among your colleagues could make a great option (especially if you have a large team spread across various locations). Just make sure the quizmaster has a suitably styled-up backdrop - we're talking balloons, bunting and all that good stuff that will make the event feel that bit more special, even if it's enjoyed through a computer screen rather than in-person.

Alternatively, if you're a community-based business, why not buddy up with other nearby organisations and host an event for your local area? As well as giving people some much-needed fun in a safe environment, this can present a good opportunity to shine a light on the brilliant businesses in a specific community (and at a time when businesses need as much awareness as possible, too), as well as help raise those vital funds.

Whatever you get up to, we'd love to hear about it - share your business' charitable fundraising experiences with us by tweeting @tm_ltd_UK!

From promotional event giveaways that can help generate awareness to essential charity must-haves, Total Merchandise is proud to offer a wide range of essential items for charitable organisations. Need assistance with finding a specific item? Simply contact a member of our friendly and experienced Sales team on 01376 509092 or email info@totalmerchandise.co.uk! Main image via Pexels.

Written by

Katie Clark | Head of Digital Marketing

With over a decade in print and digital journalism, Katie possesses a wide skill-set that incorporates everything from SEO to PR. Joining the team in early 2019, her expertise lies in writing sparkling copy about promotional merchandise and related topics, as well as managing social media activity and developing creative solutions to keep the Total Merchandise brand at the forefront of people’s minds. With a background that includes event-planning and volunteering for charitable organisations, she has a first-hand appreciation for the needs and questions a customer might have when acquiring promotional products for their organisation. In her spare time, she loves reading, going to the cinema and learning to cook.

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