Celebrate The Award Season In Style With Corporate Gifts

We are now well into 2013, and with many film and music awards ceremonies taking place over the coming weeks, marketers are looking at corporate gifts and how they can help their businesses.

At film and music awards, actresses and musicians are recognised for their contribution to the industry over the past year. Celebrating their achievements means they are recognised publically, and more likely to do well over the coming year. These awards ceremonies are amongst the most-watched in the world. So why not hold your own ceremony at your workplace?

We seem to be very quick to celebrate the achievements of others, but not the achievements in the ‘real world’ of business, and our own companies. It seems that many organisations are less inclined to give credit to those who have worked hard and earned it with an awards ceremony.

This could be for a number of reasons, for example, many businesses may not want to single one person out for praise. This could be because they believe it is damaging to staff morale. However, in reality, it actually tends to increase productivity and staff morale. It also gives staff an added edge of competitiveness, as they compete to win the prize. Lots of businesses are starting to recognise their employees' hard work. However, they still aren’t going that extra step of actually rewarding hard work. We believe one of the best ways to do this is through an awards ceremony.

Whom you decide to reward is entirely up to you, but why not use film awards ceremonies as a basis. For example, you could give an award to the newcomer of the year, the person with the most sales, and outstanding contribution awards for five years, or ten year serving employees.

There are many different awards you can distribute at your business, it all depends on what you want to reward, and how. One of the most important jobs, after choosing your winners, is choosing the awards you give. This is a great way of promoting your organisation.

You could give the staff member an actual award, engraved with a special message and your companies branding. Alternatively, you could give them a corporate gift which again is branded with your company logo and a special message. When giving away awards, you want to ensure the item you give will be kept for some time.

Have a look at the corporate gifts available on the Total Merchandise website for inspiration.

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