How Your Business Can Celebrate Easter

Whilst Easter is a Christian celebration, as one of the world's biggest religions, Easter is celebrated by millions every year which is why so many businesses take it into account when planning their marketing campaigns. With the big event now a month away, many businesses have started looking at ways in which they can celebrate Easter within their business.  

Easter this year falls over the weekend of the 18th April, so there is still plenty of time to consider your promotional items. One of the great things about Easter is there are so many traditions including the giving of eggs and the eating of lamb on Easter Sunday. The main tradition which most of us enjoy is the giving and receiving of chocolate eggs. 

So why do we give chocolate eggs at Easter? It has become a tradition over the years to give chocolate eggs to people you are close to, this could be a family member or a friend around Easter time. The chocolate eggs are known as Easter eggs. The representation of Easter eggs is said to represent a new life which is why they are given. 

When Easter eggs were first given, they would generally be bird eggs painted in bright colours. The eggs would be painted with pretty pictures to signify that it is a gift. It wasn't until the 20th Century that people started to give away chocolate eggs as gifts, this was because they were considered to be better 'gifts' as they are actually edible! 

The size of the chocolate egg has increased over the years, originally starting as the size of a bird egg, but now much larger! It's actually impossible for some to eat a whole Easter egg in one sitting! Easter eggs are generally in the shops from around Christmas time, so many people have already started to purchase their Easter eggs. Last year, research said that there were over eighty million chocolate eggs consumed in Britain, which stands at more than the population (sixty two million).  

As with any type of public holiday, we believe that Easter is the perfect time to promote your business through the use of gifts.  What products would you give your customers to celebrate Easter? Perhaps eggs, sweets, maybe even Easter colouring books depending on your target audience. 

How do you target your audience during different holidays with your promotional gifts? Will you be giving away Easter eggs this year? 

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