For The Best Branded Giveaways Consider Umbrellas

There is one product that living in the UK you cannot live without, umbrellas. With this in mind, you should make umbrellas a serious consideration when choosing branded giveaways.

Umbrella's come in all kinds of colours, various sizes and to suit all budgets. Umbrella's offer great marketing opportunities and can really effectively promote a brand or product with great end results. Umbrellas offer very large advertising space and depending on the quality can offer a very long shelf life.

The main reason umbrellas are such effective promotional items is because they are always used in public areas. Thinking logically, you only use an umbrella outside when it rains, so it attracts attention in public from passers-by. Unlike pens, when an umbrella is used thousands of people will see your branding.

As previously mentioned, umbrella's come in various sizes. The sizes we offer on our site is 'golf', 'city' and 'telescopic'. The golf umbrella is the largest offering the most branding space, the city size is slightly smaller whilst the telescopic umbrella's fold down small enough to fit in your handbag.

When choosing your promotional umbrellas, the most important factor to decide on is the size. Whilst golf umbrella's offer the most branding space, they could also be considered the least practical as they are so large. Golf umbrellas are so large as they were originally designed to keep golfers and their carts dry in the rain. However, as they are so large they are generally the most sturdy of umbrellas.

City umbrellas are slightly smaller they are more practical to walk through busy places with. City umbrellas are designed to be exactly the same as golf umbrella's but on a smaller scale, so they still offer the same sturdiness as a golf umbrella. Even though these umbrellas are smaller they still have the same large branding area as the golf umbrella.

Telescopic umbrellas are the most practical as they fold down small enough to fit into most handbags or backpacks. They are however the smallest of the three umbrella's which means there is a smaller branding space than others. Even so, with their practicality telescopic umbrella's are generally the most used due to their portability making them great as promotional umbrella's

With it raining one in three days in the UK it is a product which will always be needed making it the perfect branded giveaway.

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