Ho Ho How To: Set Up Your Christmas Email Marketing Campaign

Deck the inbox with boughs of marketing, fa lalalala la la la la! Arguably the most highly anticipated holiday of the year, Christmas is an event not worth missing out on in terms of email marketing.

Remember that company whose Christmas promotion emails you kept receiving that were so awful and frequent you decided to just unsubscribe? Don’t be that company.

We’re here to give you our top 3 tips on how to successfully set up a jolly email marketing campaign that’ll have even the ‘Scrooges’ falling at your feet. 

1. O’ Holy Research 

At the centre of any decent email marketing campaign is solid research (even more solid than your Grandma’s homemade Christmas Pudding!). It is essential to find out when your customers are likely to start parting with their money, how much they are likely to spend, and what type of deals may entice them.

It’s not enough to just rely on the fact that it’s Christmas; a clear strategy is fundamental to ensuring sales. A good starting point is considering how far on the Christmas-scale you want to go, and then working out your offers from there. However, consider the fact that most people love Christmas, but even the most passionate of Prancer’s may start to get a little annoyed when emails with auto-play ‘Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer’ are sent to their inbox daily!

2. All I Want for Christmas Is You 

Two words: target audience. By now, you should have a pretty good idea of who that is and how you can access them. However, in the hustle and bustle of Christmas festivities, it’s shockingly easy to forget that you’re not targeting everyone who loves Christmas, you’re still targeting your key demographic.

The world and his wife are likely sending out email marketing campaigns for Christmas, and you don’t want your company’s campaign to fall into the trap of being one of the less well-thought-out ones. By using your customer’s names in the emails and perhaps giving them a special ‘Christmas treat’ for being a loyal customer, it will effectively target your key audience and give you a huge advantage over rival campaigns. 

3. Have Yourself A Merry Little Imagination 

It’s likely your customers will be getting hundreds of Christmas emails over the holiday period. In this ‘reindeer-eat-reindeer world’, imagination is key to ensure that your message isn’t getting lost with the rest. Examples that we have seen and loved are holiday gift guides, Christmas videos, and (our favourite) email advent calendars, whereby every email reveals a ‘door’, and behind each door is an offer or a new product. Ideas such as these generate excitement, and with imaginative, relevant content, it gives your company an excuse to send Christmas emails. 

Luckily for marketers, the Christmas season no longer starts in December but in mid-Autumn, therefore there is plenty of time to put together a Christmas email marketing campaign that would make Santa proud! 

If you're looking for the perfect promotional gift for your other Christmas campaigns then check out our special corporate Christmas gift idea section on our website.

Main image from Pexels.com

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