How to Keep Up with Marketing Trends: Part 1

This happens to lots of businesses around the world every day: you go to work and realise that your marketing strategy is pretty dated and is not keeping up with current digital and social trends. It can feel frustrating when you’ve spent hours planning how you can best target your audience, down to final details such as the days and times that you’ll be posting your content on social media. The truth is that technology is constantly evolving and we need to be able to adapt and evolve with it. However, this can feel a little daunting - where do I even start?! We’ve started this article series to pinpoint some of the basics of keeping up with marketing trends.  

Social Media

Keep a close eye on social media because a lot of valuable marketing information is on there. For instance, new video streaming services on major social media platforms have been developed, and a lot of companies now go ‘live’ to showcase an event or even a new product. Follow industry leaders from your business social media and see what they’re discussing and doing - they will likely be sharing some useful tips that you can take for are for your own marketing purposes. Look at the trending topics on social media and if it’s relevant to your industry then get discussing them!  

Attend Trade Shows

Trade shows are a great space filled with industry leaders and promotional merchandise. You can go round different businesses spaces and see what they’re doing in terms of digital marketing, and also what is being developed in the pipelines.  

Set Up Google Alerts

These are so handy. You can set up an alert to go to your inbox from industry influencers, social media terms or trends. In this way, you can stay up to date on marketing trends in real time. Ensure you select your region and frequency carefully, depending on how much content you want to receive and how often. The regular updates you receive will be helpful to your own content, as you can see when influencers you have chosen post content specifically to the industry that you are in.  

We’ll continue on with our top tips for staying up to date with marketing trends later this week. 

If there’s one thing we know for certain it’s that people want information as quickly as possible. Because of this desire for rapid efficiency, we’ve enhanced our website quotation system so that now you can attach your artwork to our new quote system and receive accurate printing prices within one working hour! Check it out! 

Written by

Katie Reed | Product Manager & Head of Artwork

With 13 years of experience in the promotional merchandise industry, Katie speaks with true authority about all matters related to promotional products. Her attention to detail and creative flair ensure that product details, prices, imagery and descriptions are accurate and answer all our customers' questions. Her articles and other product-related content have become truly trusted sources of information and inspiration for anyone deciding on their next promotional product order. In another life, Katie would have been a star Quidditch player.

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