How to Keep Up with Marketing Trends: Part 2

As we explained earlier this week, it can be very annoying when you’ve spent hours planning how you can best target your audience, down to final details such as the days and times that you’ll be posting your content on social media to realise that your plan is now outdated or not quite up to date with the latest marketing trends. That’s why we wanted to share some of our top tips with you on how we think it’s easiest to keep up with the latest trends. Let’s just jump straight into it!  

Join LinkedIn Groups 

LinkedIn is a great place to meet like-minded people or people within your industry. Company’s like us also have pages so you can follow both people and businesses. By joining groups on LinkedIn you can network and ask questions to industry leaders and people within your business sector. You can also review what they are saying about current trends and see what is relevant to you.  

Follow blogs  

Industry-relevant blogs can be very telling to new trends. From social media to general marketing, a lot of businesses blog about what’s popular and trending. Follow a few of these blogs to see what kind of content is written that you find useful.  

Go to conferences  

Conferences are also a great place to network or just listen to what is going on in your industry. You can listen to leading experts in your field who will likely have prepared a presentation that you can take notes from. You could also kindly ask if they would share their slides with you - a lot of people will be happy to share if the content is not confidential. If you cannot attend the conferences you’re interested in, check to see if they are streaming them live on social media, or follow the hashtag on social media to see what people have said about it.  

We hope these top tips help you to keep up with the latest trends! 

Written by

Katie Reed | Product Manager & Head of Artwork

With 13 years of experience in the promotional merchandise industry, Katie speaks with true authority about all matters related to promotional products. Her attention to detail and creative flair ensure that product details, prices, imagery and descriptions are accurate and answer all our customers' questions. Her articles and other product-related content have become truly trusted sources of information and inspiration for anyone deciding on their next promotional product order. In another life, Katie would have been a star Quidditch player.

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