It is pretty simple to make changes to your email signup strategy, and these few changes can lead to huge rewards for your company in terms of reach and engagement. We’ve put together a few of our top tips to massively increase your subscribers which are incredibly easy and quick to do!
Make it super easy for people to sign up
This sounds so obvious, however it’s all too common that we see lengthy processes that people have to go through to sign up to something they’re not even that bothered about. There are two ideas that you can gather from this: firstly, create interesting, exciting content that people will want to read regularly, and then suggest a few times to send this content to people’s email inboxes. From this, you’ll get great content, and you’ll make it easy for people to sign up to emails containing content that they’ve shown they’re interested in.
Consider a ‘slideup’ box
Research has shown that email signups can double through adding a slideup box to your website or blog. They tend to pop up when a visitor has scrolled around 60% of the way down the page, suggesting that they are interested in what your page is about and are keen to continue exploring the page. If you are considering using this tip, we suggest storing a cookie to make sure the slideup isn’t shown again for a few weeks if the visitor closes the slideup, as to not irritate visitors who aren’t interested in receiving your emails.
Put a featured box for email signups on your homepage
If email signups are what you’re really aiming for, consider optimising your homepage so that it features a sign up box for visitors to receive your content by email. Even if the box is small, it is likely that this little box can account for a large amount of sign ups!
Add an opt-in link to your email signature
It’s likely that you send twenty, maybe thirty (plus!) emails every day. Each one you send is actually an opportunity for you to get people to sign up to your business’ emails through a link in your email signature. This link could point to your homepage, perhaps including one of the boxes we mentioned above, or one of your particularly popular articles to give your visitors a taste of your content.
Those new subscribers that you’re looking for are all out there and ready to join your email list! All you need to do is make it easy and simple for them to join, and point them in the right direction.