How to Reach Your Target Audience - Part 2

You’ve spent time defining your target audience, but how do you reach them? Earlier this week we discussed the importance of doing your market research, finding out where you consumers spend most of their time and ensuring your content connects your audience to effectively reach your target audience. We have a few more TM top tips up our sleeve that we wanted to share with you today. Let’s jump straight in…


Consider the platforms

You’ve likely spent a lot of time properly defining your target audience, so the next big step is to connect with them on the platforms they are most likely using. For example, if your target audience are 20-30 year old professionals you should consider social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. On the other hand, if your target audience is an older group such as 55-65 year olds you may want to consider printed publications as it is more likely they will pick up a print than a Tweet.


Consider video

This is a point we feel that we consistently bring up because we have seen the power of video. Research has shown that there has been an increase in how long users will watch a video, from 5 minutes to nearly 6 minutes, giving you extra time to share your content and engage your audience. Video is huge right now – a prime example is Facebook where video has almost replaced copy as every other post is now a video.


Split up social media

You may think that just because social media is so huge right now that everyone uses it and they all use the same platforms, right? Wrong! In fact, research has shown that younger users such as students and young professionals are more likely to be using Instsgram where images are key, whereas middle aged mothers are more likely to be using Facebook where video seems to be preferred. Therefore you need to be creating tailored content for each social  media platform to ensure that you audience don’t see replicated text but also to reach your target audience better. In fact, if you are solely targeting teenagers you would be best off focusing your efforts on Instagram and Twitter first – the younger generations are bored easily and need constant entertainment which can be provided very effectively through these platforms.


How have you gone about reaching your target audience? 

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