What is user experience? We are finding that many companies are investing in this idea of improving user experience, but aren’t entirely sure about what it is they are trying to improve. Now, more than ever is the best time to learn about user experience because great user experience has become a critical expectation for many consumers. The exact definition, as outlined by the International Organisation for Standardisation is a “person’s perceptions and responses resulting from the use and or anticipated use of a product, system or service”. In other words, the user experience is how you feel about each contact you have with what is in front of you in the instant you are using it.
Website design and user experience have come so far! For a bit of a throwback, check out this screenshot from Rocket Pop Media of a web page in the early 1990s.
Websites were, understandably, very simple. You could expect a lot of text, not-so-subtle links, a pretty much no design layout. Nowadays, web design has evolved considerably, such that aesthetics and usability are prioritised. From this, a good user experience is generated as it becomes a pleasure and easy to use the websites. User experience focuses on content and the importance of SEO is at its all-time highest.
Ultimately, it has now become about not what you sell, but how you sell it. If you clicked the link to a page that took you to one looking like the screenshot above, you’d probably click right off it! We are so image-conscious that we want a pleasant browsing experience – and that is fair enough! This desire for an easy, positive browsing experience is a massive reason why we decided to introduce our new multi-search feature. We have spent a lot of time investing in the latest technology to get you the best user experience possible when looking for products on our website. In our time-constrained business world, we all know that ‘time is money’, therefore it is no good to be wasting your valuable time sifting through pages and pages on a website for multiple products. Our new multi-search feature allows you to find and select multiple products that you would like to receive more information or a quote for in a fraction of the time it would take to search them individually.
Check out the article from earlier this week to read more about it and to see the statistics on how much time you can save by using the new multi-search. So… what are you waiting for? Go and try it out!