It is a tough time to own a pub making advertising vital to success, which is why we recommend printed merchandise.
In 2011, 1300 pubs closed their doors, leading to a loss of 13,000 jobs. At this current time an average of twenty five pubs close each week in the UK with cheap supermarket alcohol and the no smoking ban taking the blame. The introduction of the higher beer tax has also led to an increase in pubs closing and the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) warn this could lead to five pubs closing a day in the UK.
With supermarket alcohol prices being so low pubs need to encourage people to leave their homes and go out to pubs. No longer can pubs just rely on the fact they are there to encourage people to come in, they instead need to run events and beer festivals to bring people in. This is where printed merchandise comes in.
Of course if you run a pub then you will have printed merchandise in the form of glasses from the producers of the beer you sell. However if you are going to put on a beer festival why not get your own glasses printed? You could charge people to enter the festival, for the fee they get their own personalised glass. The glass can then be used for each beer they drink, this will not only advertise your pub but also cut down on the washing up, meaning staff can use their time elsewhere.
You could also invest in printed ashtrays. Since the smoking ban has come in people are only allowed to smoke outside. Our printed ashtrays are made from fire resistant plastic so they can last in all weathers. They come in a choice of five colours and are very cheap meaning it doesn't matter to much if any get lost outside.
Promotional coasters are also useful for pubs. Any pub you go into there will be coasters on the table. Again, these are generally provided by the producers of the beer, however by having your own coasters on the table you are demonstrating a certain degree of professionalism. These are extremely cost effective starting at just three pence each. They can be of any design, but a unique design is guaranteed to get the most attention.
Owning a pub can be extremely difficult in the current economic climate, so give yourself a chance of survival with printed merchandise.