Raising Your Brand Awareness with Promotional Keyrings

A very simple way to provide much needed awareness for your brand is to distribute promotional key rings. This is proven to be effective and is a very cost effective way to get your brand name out there.

The average person carries around nine keys with them, on top of this they are likely to have at least three key rings. Think about how many keys and key rings you have, how often do you carry that set of keys around with you? If you have a house key, it is likely you will carry this key around with you everywhere, so every place you go, everyone will see your key rings. Now consider how much this would raise awareness of your brand.

Very few people will be given a key ring and not use it in some way, they are great for making your keys stand out so you don't lose them. This is particularly true if you design your key rings in an eye catching style and even more so if your key ring has a particular use such as a bottle opener or an ice scraper. Key rings are used by everyone, which means that you will always get an extent of brand awareness raised from them.

When considering promotional key rings, think about the portability they offer. What other promotional item offers this kind of portability? Whilst pens and bags are often considered the most visible forms of promotional merchandise, they do not offer the same sort of usage guarantee as key rings. A pen or bag is not taken out of the house all the time by everyone. Key rings are small enough to fit in someone’s pocket, which gives us a further benefit. They are small enough to be distributed easily and cheaply. This means they can be sent out by post or distributed at events, wherever they are distributed they are small enough to fit into someone’s pocket.

On this website there are a number of different key ring style available, from the basic acrylic key fob to the more advanced USB key fobs. This means you can suit your key ring style to the event or campaign you are distributing to. You can also suit the key ring to different target markets.

Promotional keyrings have long been popular items of promotional merchandise as they do their job so well, they should always be considered as part of a campaign.

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