Choosing Your Promotional Merchandise with The Holidays in Mind

Holidays offer businesses a unique opportunity to interact with the public and grab their attention with promotional merchandise while they have the time to listen. Customising your giveaways to commemorate the occasion gives you additional mileage in the eyes of your existing and potential customers as they give them the idea that you also care about the things they cherish.

Think of those Christmas, Birthday and Easter cards you’ve received in the past from your bank (or whichever other establishment you’re a customer of) thanking you for your loyalty to them. Much as it was from an organisation, you must admit that it felt good to have someone remember you during that time of the year. This is the kind of effect well-thought, personalised business gifts can have on the public’s perception of you. When you’ve won your target market’s trust in such a way, you can be sure it will translate into sales, be it in the short term or long term.

Other than cards, there are many other kinds of gifts you can hand out to those customers who have stuck with you. One of the most common gifts given to corporate clients is a gift basket for the executives of that company to take home. These usually contain chocolate bars custom-wrapped with your brand, a bottle of wine or champagne and a season’s greetings card also bearing your company colours. Make your basket stand out by wrapping it exquisitely; the CEO you are sending it to may receive quite a few of them. Your card displayed on his desk, even though it will only be during the holiday season, will be seen by all the high-ranking visitors he receives. This will give your company a good impression on top of the publicity. For your promotional merchandise to work in this case, you cannot afford to be cheap with your holiday gifts. Let quality and elegance be your guiding principles as you do the window shopping.

Your holiday goodies should not be limited to faithful customers alone, if you want to reach a wider audience. Pushing something small into the hands of everyone who visits your shop is a good way taking advantage of the holidays to publicise yourself and garner sales. This model of promotional gift usage requires huge volumes, thus it is wise not to go for pricey items. Go for simply designed items that you can order in bulk and thereby benefit from discounts. Price should be the most important distinguishing factor when selecting a product and so bargain hunting is a good idea. You could also print out cheap, stylish calendars and hand them out along with every purchase made.

Gifts that pertain to specific holidays are also a great way to show your diligent staff how much you appreciate their contribution to your organisation’s performance. Handing out items they can use in the office is a good idea. USB drives with Summer colours and the company logo will be highly appreciated, as would stress balls printed in the same way. These are but a few pointers as to how to take advantage of the holiday season with promotional merchandise.

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