10 Promotional Product Stats You Need To Know In Summer 2021

Whether you're planning to reopen your office premises or are preparing to exhibit at an upcoming event, it's understandable that you might feel a little daunted at the prospect of trying to find the perfect promotional products to suit your needs.

After all, if it's been a while since you last ordered, you might feel a fraction out of the loop in terms of what people are looking for when it comes to a great piece of merchandise. 


However, we have good news: help is at hand! Research shared by the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) has given us an insight into customer trends and expectations and happily enough, we've got some of the statistics to share with you today. 

The insights were first shared last autumn - and we reckon they can still give you a great indicator of the kind of promotional items your customers might be interested in, as well as of the qualities that a recipient looks for when receiving branded merchandise. 

Of course, if, after reading the stats, you're still looking for ideas and inspiration, we're here to help. Whether you're searching for merchandise to welcome your team back to the office or are on the prowl for the perfect memorable event giveaways for an upcoming exhibition appearance, our friendly and knowledgeable team are here to help. Simply contact us today to get started!

#1 Food & Drink Top The Merchandise Wish List.

Hygiene items have dominated the 'most wanted' lists of promotional products over the last year - and obviously with good reason - but outside of hand sanitiser and branded face masks, what other items have customers been keen to receive?

Interestingly, the promotional products that customers are most likely to be 'actively seeking' are food, confectionery and drink (30%), water bottles and reusable cups (22% and 18% respectively) and items of clothing (17%). 

Also ranking within the most-wanted list were a wide range of other products, including electronic goods (such as USBs), promotional pens, bags, branded notebooks, drinkware, custom stress balls, calendars, printed coasters, keyrings... Yep, it sounds like customers across the country are pretty excited to receive your merchandise, in whatever form you might choose to create it!

Get an instant inspiration fix by browsing our range of best selling promotional products.

#2 Promotional Products Are The Best Way To Create An Impression.

Around half (52%) of the respondents said that receiving a branded item would make them more likely to recommend a company's services, whilst 51% said it would make them more likely to use that business in the future. Also of note: over a third (39%) of the people quizzed considered the environmental credentials of a promotional product to have a high impact on their opinion of the item. (And on that latter point - be sure to explore our range of eco-friendly promotional products if you're looking for some green-living giveaway ideas.)

The BPMA study also found that there are six key qualities the typical recipient looks for when receiving a promotional product. Is the product...

  • Useful?
  • Relevant to my personal needs?
  • Reusable and/or sustainable?
  • Free?
  • Produced ethically? 
  • Can it be disposed of ethically?

If the promotional item you're considering ordering ticks the majority of those boxes for your customers, you can be confident you're onto a winning product.

#3 Knowing Your Target Demographic Is Still Key!

Of course, it makes total sense to know who, exactly, you're targeting when ordering promotional merchandise. Whether you're searching for branded giveaways that will delight a defined audience or are looking for corporate giveaways that offer a broad something-for-everyone appeal, bearing in mind who your recipient is is key.

With that in mind, the BPMA research offered some interesting insights into the most - and least - likely demographics to receive products. The customers who are statistically most likely to receive promotional merchandise sit within the 35-44 years age bracket, whilst women aged 65 years and older are the least likely. 

All statistics shown obtained via research conducted by the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA). Searching for the perfect promotional products for your business but need some help? Simply contact a member of our friendly and experienced Sales team on 01376 509092 or send us an email! Main image via Pexels.

Written by

Katie Clark | Head of Digital Marketing

With over a decade in print and digital journalism, Katie possesses a wide skill-set that incorporates everything from SEO to PR. Joining the team in early 2019, her expertise lies in writing sparkling copy about promotional merchandise and related topics, as well as managing social media activity and developing creative solutions to keep the Total Merchandise brand at the forefront of people’s minds. With a background that includes event-planning and volunteering for charitable organisations, she has a first-hand appreciation for the needs and questions a customer might have when acquiring promotional products for their organisation. In her spare time, she loves reading, going to the cinema and learning to cook.

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