So That Was 2019! Total Merchandise's Year In Highlights

2019 is almost over! So what better time to indulge in a spot of self-reflection and consider the year that we've had here at Total Merchandise?

And of course, it's not just the end of a year: it's the end of a decade, too. If we cast our minds back to 2009, things were very different to where we are now. It's amazing when we think how far we've come over the last 10 years and we're ridiculously excited when we imagine where we'll be in 2029, too. 

Anyway. Back to 2019 - and our highlights of the year. Happy reading... And happy Christmas, too!

In 2019... We Set All Sorts Of Records 🚀

Total Merchandise has enjoyed one of its most successful years to date, allowing us to bow out of the decade in serious style and feeling proud of everything we've achieved. 

The whole team at TM HQ has pulled together to make the year truly memorable for all the right reasons. Needless to say, we're already very excited about what 2020 has in store for us. 

In 2019... We Welcomed A Host Of New Team Members 😀

2019 saw us expand our team across all departments, including sales, technical, products, accounts and marketing. 

TM team celebrating

Nope, that's not quite all of us above but it gives you an idea! With the business bigger and busier than ever before, the development of the TM family over the last year has been key to our ongoing success, and we're looking forward to welcoming more talent to the team in the new year. 

In 2019... We Celebrated Our 15th Birthday 🥳

September marked a milestone occasion in the history of Total Merchandise: our 15th birthday!

Marking the anniversary of when our founders Jason, David and Michelle launched the business, it was a brilliant cause for celebration. “We could never have imagined the company could grow to the size it is today when the three of us started it from our spare rooms," says David.

Total Merchandise celebrates 15th birthday
Left to right: Michelle, David and Jason.

We celebrated this momentous occasion by offering customers a fantastic discount across a huge range of our favourite promotional products - and we also enjoyed a lot of cake and balloons in the process, too.

In 2019... We Expanded Our Premises 🏢

With our team ever-growing, 2019 also saw us extend our office space. Our 5,000sqft headquarters in sunny Colchester, Essex, had an expansion in order to comfortably accommodate everybody, and we've now got even more space - and a swanky new dining room to boot. Cheers!

In 2019... We Supported Wonderful Causes Across The UK 🎗️

We regularly receive requests to support charitable causes, community organisations and so on with their marketing efforts, and we love to help out as much as we can. 

Total Merchandise donates products to UK good causes

We've helped all sorts of fantastic people and causes throughout 2019 and have provided promotional products worth upwards of £12,000 to good causes all around the UK. 

Jason says: "We are very fortunate to have had an amazing year of business. It’s great for us to be in a position where we can help some really worthy causes obtain more visibility or raise vital funds for their work through the use of promotional merchandise".

We were also delighted to support events including the WellChild Awards, which saw guests including none other than the Duke and Duchess of Sussex wear our 15mm Festival Style Fabric Wristbands - and it's clear to see from the photo below that event hosts Gaby Roslin and Radzi Chinyanganya were very taken with theirs! We were also proud to sponsor the Essex Care Awards, which celebrated amazing professionals in the care sector around the county. 

Total Merchandise supports WellChild Awards
Photography by Thousand Word Media.

In 2019... We Took On In-House Fundraising Activities 🧁

From wearing our pyjamas to work for Children In Need to baking cakes for the Macmillan Coffee Morning, the TM team have taken part in a number of fundraisers, all masterminded by our Laura. 

Total Merchandise fundraising activities

For those curious, stars of our Macmillan Coffee Morning included Beth's sausage rolls, Ally's quiche Lorraine, Jo's carrot cake (topped with Maltesers), Poppy's Victoria sponge, Nicky's brownies, Laura's scones... And we can happily confirm that some of us are still dreaming about Ahmet's halloumi bread. 

In 2019... We Won An Award! 🏆

We were delighted to discover we'd been voted the winner in Sourcing City's promotional merchandise Distributor of the Year awards. This accolade means even more owing to the fact that it's voted for by the industry, highlighting the fantastic relationships our team have with the suppliers we work with. 

Total Merchandise wins promotional merchandise Distributor of the Year

We were also excited to discover that we'd been shortlisted for the BPMA's Distributor of the Year award, as well; the winners are announced in February, so watch this space...

Enough about us - let's make 2020 the year you nail your promotional merchandise! Browse our full range of branded products and contact our friendly team today to get a quote for your business. 

Written by

Katie Clark | Head of Digital Marketing

With over a decade in print and digital journalism, Katie possesses a wide skill-set that incorporates everything from SEO to PR. Joining the team in early 2019, her expertise lies in writing sparkling copy about promotional merchandise and related topics, as well as managing social media activity and developing creative solutions to keep the Total Merchandise brand at the forefront of people’s minds. With a background that includes event-planning and volunteering for charitable organisations, she has a first-hand appreciation for the needs and questions a customer might have when acquiring promotional products for their organisation. In her spare time, she loves reading, going to the cinema and learning to cook.

Connect with Katie Clark on LinkedIn Connect with Katie Clark on LinkedIn

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