As we mentioned last week, Smart Insights ran a poll to see how many companies had a digital marketing plan and a few years ago results showed that many had no formal digital marketing plan. This year we have seen this percentage fall to 49%, which, although it is an improvement, still shows that nearly 50% of businesses asked had no digital marketing plan. So why do you need a digital marketing plan? We’ll carry on from last week…
You Are Able to Optimise Your Efforts
Gain access to your website and social media analytics and there is a world of interesting, important data waiting for you to explore. Once you have a digital marketing strategy in place, you are able to hone in on key areas of your marketing such as the user experience of the site (look at the funnels on Google Analytics and see where people are dropping off), your e-mails, and your social media marketing. You can then adapt your strategy accordingly in terms of what works best for your customers.
You Become More Professional
By having a formal digital marketing strategy in place, you are able to demonstrate to potential clients that you are continually developing your business. If they ask a question about your digital marketing, with a strategy in place you are able to direct them to the answer with no issues, signifying that you are an easy company to do business with. Further, by having a strategy in place, you are able to stand out from competitors on social media. You are able to share this digital information here and now, so anyone, anywhere, can find it!
You Tie Everything Together
Whilst a digital marketing strategy may be split up into segments so everyone can be working on various tasks. However, there is one goal at the end of this and this is where the channels are joined together. You don’t want to be hosting an event and be posting it just on Facebook – what about your emails and other social media platforms? With a digital marketing strategy in place, you are better able to integrate all of the channels together so you can achieve your goals faster.
Will you be creating a digital marketing strategy for 2018, or, if you already have one in place will you be giving it a redesign?