The Event Giveaways Every Business Needs For Spring/Summer 2021

Okay, it's official: business events are back on the calendar, people!

Following this week's announcement from Boris Johnson that the third step of the country's Coronavirus pandemic is about to unlock, all sorts of restrictions are about to be loosened or lifted - with the return of events firmly in the mix.


With May 17th mere days away, now's the perfect time to think about how your business can reignite its event presence for summer 2021 - from the goals of your presence to the details that will really make it count.

What Types Of Events Can Take Place From May 17th 2021?

Following the unlocking of the third step of the government's Covid-19 'roadmap' plan, there will be a significant 'loosening' of restrictions surrounding events. This includes:

  • The return of business events, such as trade shows, exhibitions, conferences and private dining events
  • The reopening of public event spaces, such as cinemas, theatres, circuses, as well as live performances and sporting events
  • The expansion of how many people are able to attend personal events, such as a wedding (doubling from 15 guests to 30) and funerals (increasing from 30 attendees to an uncapped figure)

Of course, when it comes to business events, there are still some measures in place to ensure the safety and comfort of attendees. It's worth remembering that from May 17th:

  • Indoor events can play host to up to 1,000 people, or 50% of the venue's capacity. This figure does not include staff, contractors or exhibitors. 
  • Outdoor events can be attended by up to 4,000 (or 50% of the venue's capacity).
  • Larger outdoor venues - such as sports stadiums - can be attended by up to 10,000 people (or 25% of the arena's capacity).

How Can You Maximise Your Business' Attendance At An Event? 

Whether you're planning to rearrange your own event that was previously postponed due to Covid-19 or are going to be exhibiting as part of a larger business exhibition, having a plan - and knowing your objectives - is crucial. For example:

  • What is your business hoping to achieve from throwing or attending this event?
  • How will you measure the ROI or success of your event or event presence?
  • What action would you like customers or delegates to take after attending the event?

Of course, there are a number of ways you can do this - read on to find out more!

#1 Decide On A Goal In Advance

Knowing what you want to achieve from an event is crucial to deciding how you can work towards it being a successful experience. You could be hoping for...

  • Interaction with potential new customers and leads
  • Industry networking with like-minded individuals that could help your business in the future
  • Awareness generation for a new product or service you've just launched
  • Data capture from stand visitors that can help influence the shape of your business and what it offers

...And those are just a few examples! The reality is that every business will have its own reasons for choosing to take part in an event, whether it's to establish themselves as an industry leader or to simply create some simple brand awareness.

Whatever your reasoning, it's handy to know what you're working towards in advance, as this will allow you to decide what activity is necessary to help you achieve those goals. 

#2 Create An Event Presence That Truly Stands Out 

If you're one exhibitor of many at an event - whether aimed at a trade or consumer audience - then it can be hard to find ways to ensure your business truly stands out. After all, in a room of 50 exhibitors, how can you ensure that it's your stand that's capturing people's attention?

One simple way to do this is with the help of decorations. Whether you're looking for branded bunting or promotional signage, we've got everything you could need to create a stunning brand presence that truly stands out for all the right reasons. From branded balloons to full-colour printed flags, we've got a wide range of display must-haves that will keep all eyes on your organisation.

Exhibiting at an outdoors event? We can even help you with exquisite branded gazebos, printed with your design in full colour and available to order from just one unit.

Browse our full range of display and giveaway items.

#3 Ensure Your Team Look The Part In Branded Clothing 

Regardless of whether it will be you on your own or members of your team who will be working the event, creating a smart corporate appearance is a great way to set your business apart from the others.

Whether you're looking for promotional T-shirts printed with your design, branded caps or perhaps even just custom badges or logo printed lanyards, it really is all in the detail. 

Creating a smart team appearance might not sound like a pressing priority - especially if you and your team usually wear your own clothes rather than a uniform - but subliminally, it can help to demonstrate to potential clients how neat and professional your business really is.

Browse our full range of corporate clothing to find the perfect fit for your business!

#4 Choose Promotional Products To Create Long-Lasting Brand Awareness

Whether you choose to mail out merchandise to attendees in advance of their attendance (if it's your own event) or are planning to have items available for customers to pick up themselves when they visit your stand, promotional products can help create a brand impression that lasts. 

There are a few factors to consider when choosing the perfect promotional items to tie-in with an event. These include:

  • How will you get your branded merchandise to customers? Do you plan to send them out in advance to drum up pre-event excitement? Or will you lay them out on your exhibition stand so budding customers can help themselves when they visit?
  • What sort of budget do you have for your promotional merchandise? We have printed products available to suit even the tightest of marketing spend - be sure to explore our low cost event giveaways.
  • How do you imagine your customers will use the merchandise? Knowing who your target demographic is will make choosing the perfect products - that they'll actually want to use - that bit easier.

We have over 10,000 promotional products available to browse today, covering everything from promotional pens and branded mugs to logo printed USBs and eco-friendly giveaways.

In the mood for an inspiration fix - or simply have no idea where to begin? Browse our best selling promotional products to discover the tried-and-tested classics that our customers order time after time to ensure unmissable brand visibility.

Whoever your target demographic, we're confident we've got the perfect product for your customers - and if you can't find it, let us know! Our five-star Sales team would be delighted to help you track down exactly what you're looking for. 

Looking for more on-brand merchandise ideas for your upcoming event presence? From stand decorations to event giveaways, we've got you covered. Need help with finding a specific item? Simply contact a member of our friendly and experienced Sales team on 01376 509092 or send an email to Main image via Pexels.

Written by

Katie Clark | Head of Digital Marketing

With over a decade in print and digital journalism, Katie possesses a wide skill-set that incorporates everything from SEO to PR. Joining the team in early 2019, her expertise lies in writing sparkling copy about promotional merchandise and related topics, as well as managing social media activity and developing creative solutions to keep the Total Merchandise brand at the forefront of people’s minds. With a background that includes event-planning and volunteering for charitable organisations, she has a first-hand appreciation for the needs and questions a customer might have when acquiring promotional products for their organisation. In her spare time, she loves reading, going to the cinema and learning to cook.

Connect with Katie Clark on LinkedIn Connect with Katie Clark on LinkedIn

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