It’s likely that you’ve probably thought to yourself that this year you may a) lose a little weight b) try to listen more to your partner c) at least make it look like you’re listening more to your partner. However, of the 32% of Brits who plan to make a New Year’s resolution, the statistics suggest that 63% of them will fail them.
We’ve put together a few resolutions which aren’t so personal (like finally finding the one) and are actually achievable.
Lose Weight
Don’t worry, we’re not calling you overweight! We mean to get rid of those marketing activities which are large on effort and small on return. For instance, if you’re spending hours creating graphics for your company’s LinkedIn page which will only be seen by 10 people, it’s unlikely that you’ll be getting a lot of interaction from it.
Ditch that sort of weight, and instead focus on marketing your brand in a way that gives you large returns for an appropriate amount of effort!
Brush Up On Technology Skills
We don’t mean to get your children to teach you how to use the latest iPhone, however, we do suggest experimenting in using video for your brand. In 2017, 48% of marketers plan to add YouTube to their content strategies, and this is for very good reason. Firstly, 4 times as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than reading about it.
If that hasn’t sold you, how about the fact that marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users? We suggest watching a few videos to get you started on how to create an edit videos, and then fully learn how video marketing works. You could spend your time creating and editing high-quality videos for your brand, or you could jump on board with the instant video options available such as Facebook Live and Instagram and Snapchat stories.
Keep Up With The Kids
No, no, please don’t try and learn some hip slang to stay cool. You do, however, need to keep up with the trends, and the biggest trendsetter of all is Google. This is important as Google regularly changes its algorithm in order to consistently improve the user experience. It’s important that your website isn’t left behind and you ensure that you stay on top of all the latest changes.
For instance, Google now ranks mobile-friendly web pages higher than those which aren’t, so if you haven’t jumped on that band-wagon yet, you better do in 2017!
There are three examples of New Year’s resolutions for your business which doesn’t involve you sweating it out at the gym with all of the other ‘New-Year-New-Me’ crew! We would like to wish you a Happy New Year from all of us at Total Merchandise, and we look forward to seeing how these resolutions work for you.