The TM Feel Good Guide To At-Home Workouts

This may come as a surprise to many gym fanatics but exercising at home can be just as effective - if not more so, in fact - than working out in a busy, sweaty gym.

Whether your customers are already pros at working out in their living rooms or the notion of home fitness is entirely new to them, Total Merchandise has got your company covered.

There are many reasons why supporting your customers with exercise at home can be hugely beneficial for both you and them. From a business perspective, promotional fitness products present a great way to keep your branding visible to your clients for a prolonged period of time, reminding them of your supportive brand ethos and the fact you care about customers' wellbeing.


From a client point of view, branded fitness merchandise that can be used indoors is ideal for inspiring and motivating your customers to look after themselves. As well as the obvious physical benefits, exercise is also proven to have a positive impact on mental health too, with the Mental Health Foundation suggesting it can help with everything from self-esteem to stress levels.

From the benefits of choosing to workout at home to the must-have items that can help generate awareness for your brand, read on to discover how to be a home workout boss!

The Top Benefits Of At-Home Workouts

There's a lot of stigma around exercise at home, with many arguing that you can never get the same results as working out in the gym. But we beg to differ! There are actually many reasons why someone might like to consider working out from the comfort of their very own home, whether they set up studio in the living room, garden or perhaps even the bedroom. 

Here are just a few reasons why workouts at home are a great idea:

  • As it's your own space, it's more comfortable. You don't have the pressure of wondering if Serious Gym People are looking at what you're doing and laughing at your form.
  • There's no need to commute. After all, unless you have a very large house, it's just a few steps to get to the living room or garden.
  • You can take as long as you like on your exercises. There won't be someone lurking, waiting to jump on the machine the second you complete your last rep.
  • You can wear (or not wear) whatever you like. There's no need to panic about an encounter with the Style Police at Casa Del Gym. Wear your most aesthetically pleasing leggings or even just workout in your undies if you wish.
  • You can look a hot mess. Didn't style your hair? No worries. Didn't put make-up on today (one-in-six women wear make-up for their gym sessions according to research)? No problem. Sweat running from every inch of your body? Who cares? Not you!
  • There's no fight with the ever-tangled wires of headphones. Simply plug in your speaker, load up the tracks and play it as loud as you want.
  • You can take as many selfies as you like without being judged. Because did you even do exercise if there isn't photographic evidence...?
  • And finally: your pets can get involved. Need we say more?
Cat doing sit ups

Must-Have Promotional Fitness Products For Exercising At Home

Now: the great thing about working out at home is that there's no need to wait around for certain machines and equipment to be available. Whether it's a case of following a workout online or creating a bespoke routine, it's important to remember that working out doesn't always mean who can run the furthest distance around the garden or lift the heaviest weight - do you even lift, bro?

Whatever the fitness of your customers, we've got the perfect branded fitness merchandise for exercising at home, which includes everything from branded gym towels to promotional yoga mats.

At Total Merchandise, we have a wide range of promotional items that are perfect for your customers, your colleagues and even your very own at-home exercises, as our TM home workout queen demonstrates below. Without further ado, let's dive into some of the branded fitness products she is using and why they are great for home exercise...

Home exercise infographic

Our Spiro Performance Aircool T-shirts are designed with comfort in mind; made from high-performance polyester mesh piquet knit fabric for breathability while exercising, they also dry quickly, too. Available in sizes from XXS to 5XL, these performance promotional T-shirts are suitable for a wide range of target audiences and can be printed with your artwork in up to four colours. 

Help your customers get their daily water intake and stay hydrated while exercising with these 2 Litre Water Bottle Jugs. Boasting a generous print area, these branded water bottles are sure to draw attention to your business every single day!

Skipping is a fun and highly effective at-home workout. Gift your clients and employees our Skipping Ropes, which can be with you from as little as five working days.

Have a target audience that might be prone to going for a jog in the great outdoors? Help keep them visible with these Flashing LED Silicon Arm Straps. Printed with your company logo, your clients will be reminded of your brand every time they're used, and they'll also help keep customers safe on dark evenings.

Ensure customers keep their cool with these Cotton Headbands, which are great for stopping sweat from running down foreheads. Choose from a range of seven eye-catching colours and print your custom design to the band to quite literally put your branding at the forefront of people's minds.

Show your customers that they can become at-home workout pros with promotional fitness products for exercising at home. Now is the perfect time to promote health and wellbeing. Have a question or can't find exactly what you're looking for? Simply contact our friendly and experienced Sales team on 01376 509092 - they'll be delighted to help you! 

Main image from Pexels.

Written by

Katie Reed | Product Manager & Head of Artwork

With 13 years of experience in the promotional merchandise industry, Katie speaks with true authority about all matters related to promotional products. Her attention to detail and creative flair ensure that product details, prices, imagery and descriptions are accurate and answer all our customers' questions. Her articles and other product-related content have become truly trusted sources of information and inspiration for anyone deciding on their next promotional product order. In another life, Katie would have been a star Quidditch player.

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