Top 5: Eco-Friendly Promotional Products That Can Make A Big Difference

With conversation around eco-awareness ever louder, there's no time like the present to associate your business with environmentally aware actions and attitudes.

In fact, according to figures shared last year, the ethical market was worth around £83 billion in the UK alone, whilst the reusable water bottle market alone sitting at an estimated value of £5.5 billion

(Which isn't so surprising when you consider that 'single-use' was decreed to be the 'Word of the Year' by Collins Dictionary in November 2018.)

Whilst a common misconception is that eco-friendly choices can mean higher prices, a recent study conducted by YouGov found half of UK consumers would actually happily pay more for a product that was environmentally sound in origin. From the promotional merchandise side of things, we're pleased to tell you our eco-friendly promotional products are unbeatable on price and quality... And that's a promise!

Why Should Your Business Consider Eco-Friendly Promotional Products?

  • It shows your business cares: stats shared by Impact Reporting show over two-thirds of employees would sooner work for a company that they considered to have a social compass. In fact, another set of data found that three-quarters of millennials would actually take a pay-cut in order to work for a company they believed was responsible. Almost all (94%) of people grouped in the 'Generation Z' bracket believe businesses should address 'critical issues' rather than ignore them. 
  • On a similar note, it shows your business takes its corporate social responsibility (CSR) seriously: the same research from Impact Reporting also revealed people believe CSR accounts for over 40% of a company's reputation.
  • Choosing eco-friendly promotional products is also a way for your business to do its 'bit' in regards to environmental issues. Granted, eco-friendly branded products might not work for every business or every occasion but if you can do it, it's a fantastic route to pursue. 

Okay - so with all that in mind, which eco-friendly promotional products have potential to be the most beneficial for your upcoming marketing campaign or brand awareness drive? Read on for our ideas...

Consider Handing Out Reusable Tote Bags In Place Of Plastic Carriers

With many shops actively discouraging customers from using plastic carrier bags, handing out cotton tote bags or jute shoppers that your customers can use time-after-time is a no-fuss way to generate awareness for your business. 

It's interesting to note that since the 5p charge was introduced for standard plastic carrier bags, sales of single-use carriers in supermarkets have dropped by an astonishing 90%. The take-away for your company here? People are happy and willing to reuse bags, meaning a branded tote bag, printed with your artwork, could make a fantastic accessory to help your customers with their shopping, whilst also keeping your logo prominently on display.

Encourage Customers To Use Reusable Water Bottle Instead Of Disposable Plastic Equivalents

With 85% of the British public concerned about the impact of plastic pollution on the environment, there's no better time for your business to step up and play a part in tackling the fight against plastic waste. According to figures shared by National Refill Day, a jaw-dropping 7.7 billion plastic water bottles are used around the UK each year, with the typical Brit using 150. According to the same study, if just 10% of us refilled our bottles once a week, that would prevent an estimated 340 million bottles from ending up on landfill sites each year. 

Enter the reusable water bottle: sleekly designed and easy to grab-and-go, it can help your customers reduce their plastic usage without even realising it. Each of our promotional water bottles is printed with your logo, making it a giveaway that will keep your branding firmly on display whilst also demonstrating your business takes its corporate social responsibility seriously. 

It's interesting to note that a study conducted by One Poll and commissioned by City To Sea found 80% of the people quizzed revealed they drank from a reusable water bottle; almost two-thirds (62%) of those asked said they had made the switch in the last two years. The meaning? 

Similarly: Make The Morning Coffee Fix More Sustainable With A Branded Eco Cup

Similarly, a reusable coffee cup can make an environmentally-smart alternative to the grab-and-go coffee cup that many of us are familiar with. Much like the carrier bags, many coffee chains are keen to encourage customers to 'bring their own', with some even offering cheaper prices to customers who bring their own reusable cup rather than needing a throw-away paper one. 

With 2018 home to soaring sales of reusable coffee cups, it doesn't seem too much of a stretch to imagine that the figures for 2019 will be similarly dizzying. So why not spare your customers the expense by providing your very own logo-branded coffee cups that they can take with them on their commute or use at home?

Party Planning? Switch Plastic Straws For Paper Straws At Corporate Events

An astonishing 8.5 billion plastic straws are used in the UK each year according to recently shared figures, with the government cracking down on their availability from spring 2020. Figures shared as part of the action revealed 80% of surveyed Brits would be happy to wave bye-bye to plastic straws, with eco-alternatives making a preferable option instead.

Our promotional paper straws make a fantastic option if you run a hospitality-based business, such as a cafe or restaurant; similarly, they make a thoughtful finishing touch if you're planning a corporate event, too. Have a presence at an upcoming trade show or industry event? If you will be serving drinks at your stand, these simple straws offer a subtle demonstration of your business' CSR, as well as even making a talking point among eco-savvy visitors. 

Switch Plastic Tech Gadgets For Recycled Equivalents

...And we're delighted to tell you we have a lot of them! A small yet significant way to make an impact, our range of wooden memory sticks offers a simple yet incredibly practical way to show your business cares.

Whether you opt for the Recycled Newspaper Flash Drive, shown below, or our branded Eco Wooden Twist Flashdrive, we've got the perfect fit for your organisation.

And it doesn't end there! We've got a huge range of eco-friendly promotional merchandise for you to consider; have a browse and fill out our Rapid Quote form today to get the ball rolling with your order.

Top image via Pexels.

Written by

Katie Clark | Head of Digital Marketing

With over a decade in print and digital journalism, Katie possesses a wide skill-set that incorporates everything from SEO to PR. Joining the team in early 2019, her expertise lies in writing sparkling copy about promotional merchandise and related topics, as well as managing social media activity and developing creative solutions to keep the Total Merchandise brand at the forefront of people’s minds. With a background that includes event-planning and volunteering for charitable organisations, she has a first-hand appreciation for the needs and questions a customer might have when acquiring promotional products for their organisation. In her spare time, she loves reading, going to the cinema and learning to cook.

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