Trade Show Giveaways: Part 1

Trade shows can be a really great thing for your brand exposure and for gaining new customers, however, the real icing on the cake is when you throw trade show giveaways into the mix; giveaways attract instant attention, and leave a longer-lasting brand impression. Being a promotional merchandise company, we feel like we really know the tricks of the trade, and the best giveaway items you can use to make a maximum impact at your next trade show.


Brand your giveaway items

It’s great if you decide to giveaway items to get potential customers over to your stall, but if you really want them to remember your name you want to make sure you’ve got your company logo printed on the product so that the item you give away can be immediately linked to your brand. This increases your exposure.


Consider your brand

Furthermore, make sure that your giveaway items reflect your brand. There are some staples such as pens and t-shirts that can be utilised by most brands, but try and be creative. For instance, if you are a coffee brand, give away promotional mugs or flasks, or if you’re a brand promoting safer sex you could give out promotional condoms. You’d be surprised but there really are a lot of different items you can brand with your logo that can align with your brand.


Be useful

If your products are useful, they will be used. If your products are being used, they will be being exposed. You want to resonate with your prospective clients so if you give away anything that can immediately be used at the trade show such as a cotton tote bag or a water bottle, they will be in frequent use and therefore can create a valuable, long-term impact.


Consider your costs

Your giveaway items don’t have to be flashy; yes, that might attract attention but it will also burn a hole in your brand’s budget! Check out our ‘low-cost items’ section of our website where we have included lots of budget-friendly items. From tote bags to oyster card travel wallets, there is no way your prospective clients will know that you’ve been keeping to a budget! Further, don’t just give your items out to anyone and everyone at the show. Try and engage in conversation about your brand with the potential customer as they are taking the item, or perhaps before you give it to them. After all, there is no point for you to give away a product branded with your logo if the customer doesn’t even know who your brand is!


Later this week we’ll go into some of the best promotional items we think you can give away at trade shows and exhibitions.

Written by

Adam Carter | Head of Products

Adam has been leading the Product team for over 18 years, during which time he's built up an enviable reputation as one of the industry's most trusted authorities on promotional merchandise. As well as supplier relations, product sourcing and pricing, Adam is also responsible for ensuring our promotional merchandise is presented on the website in the most effective manner. His expertise makes him the go-to person on the team for spotting merchandise trends and he's highly experienced in identifying the best branded products to meet our customers' needs. When he's not working, Adam enjoys travel, electronic music and all forms of cinema.

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