There have been many other years, so why is 2014 suddenly the best year to be eco-friendly? It's easy to become eco-friendly, and unlike what many people believe – it doesn't have to cost the Earth!
Every year millions of people make New Years Resolutions, and every year, people fail with their New Years Resolutions. You start the year with your best intentions, certain that your resolutions are going to change your home and be better for the world. However, life then takes over meaning you fail in your resolutions. So, why make them in the first place if you know you are going to break them?
New Years Resolutions are important, which is why people make them every year. However, many people make unrealistic resolutions meaning that you are likely to fail. So, this year, set realistic expectations and 'get real'.
What can you achieve in terms of being eco-friendly? It's near impossible to 'not drive' all year, so why would you set this as a resolution? Similarly, you can't eliminate the use of paper towels, you'll need them for the toilet at least! It's important to remember that none of these activities are going to entirely eliminate global warming as for every one of us that tries to make a difference, millions of others don't even try. With this in mind, what can you do to help to become more eco-friendly?
First of all, make some simple changes. You don't need to be extravagant and not use any electricity! Instead, be realistic about what you can achieve. This may be turning off all the lights in your office when they aren't in use, or ensuring all computer monitors are turned off at the end of every evening.
Clear out the clutter in your office. This may mean donating items to charity shops, or even recycling them to ensure they are no longer wasted. Of course, by donating to charity shops you are doing wonders for your CSR, and by recycling you can ensure you are helping the environment by being more eco-friendly.
Another great investment for the office is a bicycle which staff can all use to go to the shops at lunchtime. This reduces the need for short journeys by car and also helps to get them 'fitter' by encouraging them to take up more exercise.
There are lots of reasons to be eco-friendly in the New Year, and one way in which you can be is through promoting your CSR policy with promotional products. How will you be encouraging better CSR in your office in 2014? Will you be making many changes?
Browse our full range of eco-friendly promotional products today and contact us for your bespoke quote.