A Round-Up of The Top 2017 Marketing Trends: Part 1

A Round-Up of The Top 2017 Marketing Trends: Part 1

Now that we’ve reached November – and it’s almost acceptable to start playing Christmas songs – we have decided to take a step back from the day-to-day a

The Best Promotional Merchandise Products for Students

The Best Promotional Merchandise Products for Students

Students love receiving free gifts! What’s more, they love it when these gifts are actually useful and unique to them. Do your marketing right by makin

How to Reach Your Target Audience - Part 2

How to Reach Your Target Audience - Part 2

You’ve spent time defining your target audience, but how do you reach them? Earlier this week we discussed the importance of doing your market research, finding out where

How to Reach Your Target Audience - Part 1

How to Reach Your Target Audience - Part 1

One huge step in marketing for your business is to define your audience. Now, this is all well and good, but how can you actually reach them? The big reason for wanting to defin

The Total Merchandise 12 Tips of Christmas: Part 2

The Total Merchandise 12 Tips of Christmas: Part 2

Earlier this week we ran through the first 6 of our 12 tips of Christmas, ranging from ensuring you are present on social media to adding social sharing options. Accordi

The Total Merchandise 12 Tips of Christmas: Part 1

The Total Merchandise 12 Tips of Christmas: Part 1

It is without a doubt that Christmas is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. Some may think of it as a time for giving and receiving presents, some may think of it in

The Importance of Investing in Promotional Products - Part 2

The Importance of Investing in Promotional Products - Part 2

Earlier this week I discussed how influential promotional products can be, particularly here on campus at University. The first point I raised was about brand awareness, and how

The Importance of Investing in Promotional Products - Part 1

The Importance of Investing in Promotional Products - Part 1

As a University student, I, Zoe, see a lot of promotional merchandise. In fact, only yesterday I was at a graduate jobs and internships fair, and with nearly 100 stalls there, I

What Is Promotional Products Week

What Is Promotional Products Week

We may be a little biased, but we think promotional products and merchandise are incredible tools for a marketing toolbox. This week, from 2nd October – 6th October, the B

The TM Guide to Creating Personas for Marketing - Part 2

The TM Guide to Creating Personas for Marketing - Part 2

At the end of last week, we ran through what a marketing persona is and how you can get started. Today we’re here to show you how to go further and to truly understand why

The TM Guide to Creating Personas for Marketing - Part 1

The TM Guide to Creating Personas for Marketing - Part 1

If you’ve never heard of marketing personas or reader profiles then get comfortable and grab a cup of tea because we’re about to go through our complete guide about

Trick or Treat - Halloween Marketing Inspiration

Trick or Treat - Halloween Marketing Inspiration

Now that back to school season is well underway, the next big focus before Christmas is Halloween. In 2016, Britons were expected to spend a record £310 million on Hallowe