Clickbait And Marketing

Clickbait And Marketing

Readers that use the internet frequently may have heard the term "Clickbait". This recent internet phenomenon is currently being employed by various online news outlet

Better Online Advertising

Better Online Advertising

Since just after the inception of the internet we've seen internet adverts. These were once simple text links, they moved on to images and now include full HD video as well

The Power Of Customer Reviews

The Power Of Customer Reviews

We're living in the information age. That means we're in a world where we're constantly connected to each other, via social media, messaging & mobile phones whil

Wanting A Career Change? Consider Making A Living on YouTube

Wanting A Career Change? Consider Making A Living on YouTube

Online videos and YouTube specifically have become big money. Swedish Youtuber PewDiePie currently has the most subscribers on the site and is estimated to be earning millions o

Using Retro Design

Using Retro Design

People love nostalgia and the whole country, or probably the planet seems to be going through a love of nostalgic retro products at the moment. For as long as we can remember th

Advertising On Vehicles

Advertising On Vehicles

Displaying company logos and 'brands' on cars, in particular, is nothing new. Since the Model T Fords of one hundred years ago, businesses have recognised that cars can

Sub Branding With A Successful Product Or Brand

Sub Branding With A Successful Product Or Brand

Large corporates have a moral and legal responsibility to produce a good a profit as possible for their owners, or shareholders. Therefore, established 'brands' need to

Using Live Streaming In Marketing

Using Live Streaming In Marketing

Regular and long term Total Merchandise friends and followers will recall, that we made our first live video broadcast on Twitter using their Periscope platform, in the summer o

Marketing With Free Wifi

Marketing With Free Wifi

If you have ever stayed in a hotel, used Wi-Fi on the London Underground via a specific supplier, or been at an event with 'free' Wi-Fi, you've possibly had to hand

Crowd Sourcing in Marketing

Crowd Sourcing in Marketing

Many of our readers will already know of 'Crowd Funding'. For those who don't know, it's the grouping together of people, more often than not online, to fund a p

Using Novelty Products In Marketing

Using Novelty Products In Marketing

Ever watched television and seen an advert or a programme with a business idea or marketing gimmick so great you wish you'd thought of it yourself? We published another arti

All About Viral Marketing

All About Viral Marketing

The general term 'Viral marketing' doesn't exactly sound very safe or appetising, does it? Viral marketing is when a marketing message is spread via word of mouth an