How Not To Create A Brand Identity

How Not To Create A Brand Identity

In the 21st century, a quality brand identity is key to a successful business. Google has just spent millions on its rebranding in which the typeface of their previous logo

Search Trends of 2015

Search Trends of 2015

We've made it to 2016, we don't know about you but we're still struggling to write the date! With the end of 2015, this is as good a time as any to look back over th

Our Top 4 Marketing Ideas For Next Christmas

Our Top 4 Marketing Ideas For Next Christmas

Today's the 23rd of December, which means that Christmas celebrations are almost upon us. At Total Merchandise we've been running plenty of marketing on the lead up to C

Five Reasons We Give Gifts

Five Reasons We Give Gifts

Congratulations, you've found our most recent blog post! Make sure to share this post on Twitter with the hashtag #TOTALlyFestive20 to be in with a chance

Unusual Days Of Celebration 2016

Unusual Days Of Celebration 2016

2015 is almost over with only a few weeks until the new year. Obviously, the next big celebration is Christmas Day, and we hope that you've got some promotional products ord

Video Marketing

Video Marketing

We hope you've caught our Advent Calendar t

A Special Post From Father Not So Christmas

A Special Post From Father Not So Christmas

Hi everyone, Looks like you've found my blog post on the Total Merchandise Blog page! This is where the Total Merchandise elves post interesting articles about event

Decorating The Office With Total Merchandise

Decorating The Office With Total Merchandise

Well, guys, it's officially the time of year where we all start to feel that festive spirit come creeping in and we look around the office thinking things look a little bare

The History of Advent Calendars

The History of Advent Calendars

For children and adults alike, Christmas is a special time of year. The air is fresh and crisp, and scents of cinnamon and mulled wine fill the air. And of course, we all look f

Interesting Black Friday Facts and Figures

Interesting Black Friday Facts and Figures

Recently the UK decided to embrace Black Friday. Brought to us by American owned retailers, British consumers have been enjoying the low price shopping sprees at this time of ye

Virtual Reality Shopping

Virtual Reality Shopping

Shopping has experienced much evolution throughout history and was considered a modern phenomenon in the 18th Century. By the 19th Century, department stores popped up to make s

The Total Merchandise Guide To Emojis

The Total Merchandise Guide To Emojis

Remember back when people used emoticons in their texts? We were basically restricted to happy, sad, crying and shocked faces! Then along came the emoji keyboard, which