Our Favourite Inventions Available From Total Merchandise

Our Favourite Inventions Available From Total Merchandise

Mankind is always creating new inventions to improve our quality of life. Often regarded as one of the most important inventions of all time, historians estimate that the wheel

A Tree-mendous Christmas Ahead

A Tree-mendous Christmas Ahead

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know how busy the retail market is during the festive period. This time of year is when the shops become almost unbearably busy, y

Creating Designs For Promotional Products

Creating Designs For Promotional Products

We see thousands of promotional products coming through our doors at Total Merchandise - all with impeccable logo designs that are professionally printed. The process of creatin

The Lost Meaning Of Symbols

The Lost Meaning Of Symbols

With the introduction of Twitter's new heart icon to replace the well-known star, we've read a lot of different articles discussing the reasons behind it and the opinion

The Top Branded Items for an Exhibition

The Top Branded Items for an Exhibition

An exhibition can be a great way to get your company in front of new people and improve brand recognition. If you've been to an exhibition before then you'll know about

The Many Uses Of Sticky Notes

The Many Uses Of Sticky Notes

Sticky notes, a modern-day marvel... But, did you know that sticky notes were invented by accident? That's right, the inventor of sticky notes actually set out to create a s

The Origins of Halloween

The Origins of Halloween

Halloween is radically different from the celebration it used to be, but how did it all start? We've dug around and found some interesting history surrounding Halloween...

6 Back to the Future Predictions For 2015

6 Back to the Future Predictions For 2015

30 years ago today Back to the Future II hit cinemas and made some pretty ambitious predictions for the world on today's date of 21st October 2015. According to the movie, b

Cracking Stocking Fillers From Total Merchandise

Cracking Stocking Fillers From Total Merchandise

Here at Total Merchandise, we love all of the different occasions that take place throughout the year - from having a bit of time out on a bank holiday to eating our b

Become Environmentally Friendly Today

Become Environmentally Friendly Today

Environmental sustainability has been a hot topic for a few years now, though some people would rather have us believe that global warming is a myth, the evidence is showing tha

The Impact of Facebook Expressions on Businesses

The Impact of Facebook Expressions on Businesses

For years Facebook has been pressured to add a 'dislike' like button to their popular Facebook platform, and for years they've declined to do so, until recently... F

A Guide To Creating An Individual Business Card For Your Brand

A Guide To Creating An Individual Business Card For Your Brand

We've heard that it's not about how a business card looks, but how it is presented that makes the real impact on a potential client. This might be true, but having an in