Promotional Product Pairings

Promotional Product Pairings

As we've said before, people love receiving gifts, and they also love when those gifts are free. According to the BPMA, over 56% of people are more favourable to a brand aft

Why Your Brand Should Turn to Eco-Friendly Bags

Why Your Brand Should Turn to Eco-Friendly Bags

On the 5th October 2015, all large retailers (with 250 or more full-time equivalent employees) will be required by law to charge a minimum of 5p per single-use carrier bag or fa

How To Promote Your Brand At A Fun Run

How To Promote Your Brand At A Fun Run

Sponsoring a charity fun run is not only extremely beneficial for the charity you are helping, but it is also a good way for your brand to get exposed to new potential customers

Keeping your Customers Safe with Promotion Products in Summer

Keeping your Customers Safe with Promotion Products in Summer

The rumours and reports have been swirling around this week that a Summer UK heatwave is imminent, we will, of course, believe this when we see it for ourselves! Nevertheless, t

Staying Connected to your Business

Staying Connected to your Business

The way that business are run has changed tremendously over the last few years. Gone are the days when everyone went to the office at 9am and sat at a desk until 5pm and then we

Why Schools Need Branding Too

Why Schools Need Branding Too

The first impression you give to someone when you meet them, is usually the one that sticks, which is why it’s so important to make that first impression count. This is th

Using company perks and rewards to motivate staff

Using company perks and rewards to motivate staff

Sometimes with some members of staff, receiving a salary on pay day is not enough of an incentive to keep them motivated and loyal to the company they work for. Whilst a lot of

Why Data is King

Why Data is King

Some say that the value of a business is largely dependent on the amount of client data that business stores. Businesses with a good CRM (Client Relationship Management) tend to

Providing great customer service to stay ahead of competitors

Providing great customer service to stay ahead of competitors

Customer service can be difficult to explain, and difficult to understand. The people who know best what customer service is, are the customers themselves because they are the o

Summer Promotional Products - Get Ready for the Heatwave

Summer Promotional Products - Get Ready for the Heatwave

The rumours are circulating that any minute now we are going to be greeted by a 3-month long heatwave! Of course, this could all just be hot air (excuse the pun), but we can'

Promotional Products For Your Next Outdoor Event

Promotional Products For Your Next Outdoor Event

On March 19th it was officially the first day of spring, which means the sun is on its way and with good weather brings plenty of outdoor events such as festivals, boot fairs, s

Enhancing communication on the go

Enhancing communication on the go

In the modern world, technology is constantly evolving and the fact that mobile chargers are now being sidelined for a new variety of promotional products only indicates this.