Promotional Stress Balls Simple Merchandise

How can you help your customers and employees help maintain their stress levels whilst at work? With promotional stress toys and balls (of course!).

How Do Stress Balls Work?

Many people don't believe it's possible to work and relieve stress at the same time, but it's true! In fact, it requires very little concentration and can help to increase strength in the body. You may wonder what's in this magic device but the reality is it's not magic; it is simply a squeezy PU foam shape. They don't even need an instruction manual to use - they are that simple - all you have to do to use a stress ball is squeeze it over and over again.

Benefits Of Using Branded Stress Balls: For Your Brand And Clients

So how does this benefit your customers and staff? The benefits are simple, as a person squeezes a stress ball the muscles not only contract in their hand but also up their arm. When squeezing the individual should hold the squeeze for a second or two before releasing. As the muscles start to relax, the tension should be relieved through the person's arms and hands, thus leaving them feeling less tense and more relaxed.

In addition, stress balls stimulate blood circulation so they are often given to those suffering from arthritic pain and stiffness. It's surprising that by simply squeezing a ball you can relieve so much pain!

But how can investing in promotional stress balls benefit your brand? Firstly, they are cost-effective, which will win any manager over! Due to their practical size, they can be kept on desks (for everyone to see), in bags or at home which guarantees maximum brand awareness wherever they are used. 

Not only do branded stress balls increase your brand awareness, but they also show your customers that you are a company that cares and takes consideration of their well-being. This, in turn, will create trust and in a recent survey by the BPMA, trust is one of the top attributes a customer will look for when dealing with a business.

Choose The Right Promotional Stress Toy For Your Business

Firstly, you need to consider your customers: what would they like to receive? Next, make sure the stress ball suits your business and its values. If you're in the automotive industry, you might not want to send your customers a Stress Brain, instead, you might opt for the Stress Lorry.

Let's take a look at some of our most popular promotional stress toys...

Simple yet effective, our bestseller Low Cost Stress Balls. These squeezy PU foam balls are available in a range of colours and can be printed with you branding in up to full colour! Budget-friendly and cost-effective these branded stress balls are available from just 49p per unit.

Do you want to shine a light on your brand? Then these Stress Light Bulbs are perfect for your company! Not only will they brighten up your marketing but they will also brighten up your customer's mood with every squeeze.

To really show your clients that you are a company that cares, gift them with these branded Stress Love Hearts. Choose from classic red or pink and personalise them with your company branding printed in up to full colour, also perfect for Valentine's Day promotions.

So, if you're looking for the perfect promotional stress toy to gift to your customer's, Total Merchandise has a wide range of branded stress balls that guarantee maximum brand awareness.

Main image from Pexels.

Written by

Katie Reed | Product Manager & Head of Artwork

With 13 years of experience in the promotional merchandise industry, Katie speaks with true authority about all matters related to promotional products. Her attention to detail and creative flair ensure that product details, prices, imagery and descriptions are accurate and answer all our customers' questions. Her articles and other product-related content have become truly trusted sources of information and inspiration for anyone deciding on their next promotional product order. In another life, Katie would have been a star Quidditch player.

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