The Evolution Of Marketing: Social Marketing Era

The Evolution Of Marketing: Social Marketing Era

As we discussed in part one of this two-part series, marketing has, in some form, been a

The Evolution Of Marketing: Before The Internet

The Evolution Of Marketing: Before The Internet

It cannot be denied that businesses have evolved an incredible amount over the past 200 years. We’re going to dive deep into the evolution of marketing with this two-

How Does Emotion Affect Peoples Buying Behaviour

How Does Emotion Affect Peoples Buying Behaviour

It is rather undisputed that humans largely rely on their emotions when making purchasing decisions. In fact, Antonio Damasio, a Professor of Neuroscience at the University of S

Your Guide to Email Marketing by Total Merchandise: Part 3

Your Guide to Email Marketing by Total Merchandise: Part 3

In the previous two parts of this three-part series on email marketing, we discussed why it is important to understand the necessity of email marketing, how to put together an e

Your Guide to Email Marketing by Total Merchandise: Part 2

Your Guide to Email Marketing by Total Merchandise: Part 2

Last week we explained how email marketing has the highest ROI than any other marketing channels, therefore if some of your marketing efforts aren’t focused here, you&rsqu

Your Guide to Email Marketing by Total Merchandise: Part 1

Your Guide to Email Marketing by Total Merchandise: Part 1

Countless reports have shared that email has a higher return on investment than any other marketing channel. Email marketing is a long-standing, effective way to draw in clicks

Time For A Spring Clean Of Your Marketing Strategy

Time For A Spring Clean Of Your Marketing Strategy

Now that it’s (finally!) starting to feel like spring, it’s time to perhaps consider doing a spring clean of your marketing strategy! Spring is all about a change, c

The TM Guide to LinkedIn: Part 2

The TM Guide to LinkedIn: Part 2

As we established last week, LinkedIn is not just a website that is useful for your job hunting or a social media platform you can browse at work without getting caught by your

The TM Guide to LinkedIn: Part 1

The TM Guide to LinkedIn: Part 1

LinkedIn may not be the first social media platform you consider to maximise your engagement rates and sales, however having a presence on LinkedIn is incredibly important for y

How Has Marketing Changed Over Time: Part 2

How Has Marketing Changed Over Time: Part 2

Part 1 of this article series about the development of marketing techniques over the past few decades discussed how key video now is to our strategies, how social media’s

How Has Marketing Changed Over Time: Part 1

How Has Marketing Changed Over Time: Part 1

It is undeniable that marketing has changed in profound ways. Since purchasing power has really fallen into the consumers' hands through the numerous amounts of custome

6 Facts Demonstrating How Powerful Promotional Products Are

6 Facts Demonstrating How Powerful Promotional Products Are

With digital marketing in the midst of its biggest ever boom, it’s easy to lose sight of the power of promotional products. Whilst their effectiveness isn’t as easil